Whatever... snooze

Get bent, you peduntic prack

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Even more ironic is the fact you felt the need to post in said thread and partake in the conversation. You absolute fucking mug :joy: I would engage you in some banter but I’ve been tipped off that you are the dullest cunt on the forum so…

Jesus you are rattled now :grin:

What happened your “much love” attitude? Do yourself a favour, delete the thread, go fuck yourself like previously advised and try and start all over again in the hope that everybody will forget the whole thing

I reckon it’s sexual frustration on your part, that’s where the ire is coming from. It’s the weekend, you’d love to be heading out on the pull with the boys but instead you are at home with your fat partner watching reality TV shows. Chin up mate. Much love :heartbeat:


well played Fran

Fucking hell, this thread was a bad idea to start with but it’s gone postal.

I seem to recall that wristy wing back on AFR was a harmless sort, a bit like @carryharry, what the fuck happens to fellas when they sign up for this cuntfest?

I’m going to have to insist that we stay on topic here guys…

More negativity and insults. Why do you feel the need to be relevant around here? Is there a void in your life?

You have cut to the core of me with that question mate…

Signing in

You are spamming the living shit out of a perfectly well intentioned thread with reams of tootless insult attempts. I’m assuming you are at this carry-on for personal attention. You have destroyed a good thread with your lameness.
If you persist I’ll have no option but to report you.

And in the interim he has shaken my confidence and self belief to its very core.

So much so he has me doubting whether or not I do have a void in my life…that bastard @Fran has rattled me here, I won’t tell lies.


You’re a gas man

I’ve even changed the thread title…

I’m not sure what the void is, but @Fran has put me thinking.

I’m happily married to a beautiful woman, soon to be a daddy and have a job I love and a little business on the side, not short of cash. Was a talented Sports Man and am a very good looking man, very fit. A bit of a local hero. Lovely car. Nice dog. Well endowed in the trouser department and have a great sex life, often riding the sister in law who is savage aswell. Farm of land coming to me aswell.

But still… that void. I’m wondering if it’s the fucking house. I don’t know am I happy with it, do ye know that kinda way?

You’re an insufferable cunt, Fuck off with this shite.


Robert, I’m not in the fucking mood for you now.

I don’t two fucks what you’re in the mood for. Tassotti and HBV were banned for less… You keep spamming bthe board with the same tired shit. You’re unoriginal, unfunny and a no mark… This is all verified in your continued attempts to inform the board about how great you and your life is… Meanwhile, the real secure posters on here are in no way afraid to post links that would reveal their real world identity.

Mate, it’s the Internet, don’t be such a serious boring cunt.