Whats the best Irish radio station to listen to?

She’s a big Kate Bush fan and I hope she’ll be running up that road, running up that hill with no problem.

I just tweeted that message to Kelly-Anne and she gave me a shout out on the the radio for it. Ah lovely.

Kelly-Anne rocks.

Kelly Anne is the best.

As much as it pains me to say it Clare FM is the best radio station on the airwaves here in the Midwest region. 4 FM was promising the first few months of its existence but they got sloppy and let some youngfellas in who started to put just awful noise on. 4 fm is now as bad as 2 fm and the clatter of other seriously bad radio stations. I find all of the stations very poor with constant noise one after the other lining up the playlist but Clare fm will occasionally more than any of the other stations throw out a gem from time to time. In the main it’s Lyric fm where you can be guaranteed a bit of quality.

Poignant moment there last night. I was on my way home from Easons in the car when I pressed the TXFM button on the radio. And there was silence.

It’s gone.

Dublin city fm the only place for decent music during the commute now

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It seems most talk shows and stations are losing listeners .

If all these cunts weeping and gnashing their teeth over TXFM the last few days had actually listened to the station it wouldn’t be gone anywhere


Raidio Na Life play very decent music, it’s just that I don’t have a fucking clue what it is.

+1. I wonder have they ever heard of spotify as well? Radio is dead lads.

I listened to it. It was the third preset on my car radio.

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Podcasts are the only way to listen to the radio these days,cuts out all the shite banter/ads


It’s been the station of choice in the Berlingo for the last 5/6 months as that’s when we’re dublin based. Excellent station. Hopefully someone takes over the mantle.

Radio na Life is banging out fantastic tunes right now.

Billy McCarthys death announced this morning, WLRs Gerry Ryan moment

Poor oul Billy. I remember him taking my confession.

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BBC 6 is a fantastic little station.

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In small doses.

Some top notch podcasts

Lyric fm has smashed it out of the park over the last 4 hours while we’ve been driving home from Donegal.