Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Look up “Irish Journalist interviews NBA star” on YouTube!

I knew the name was familiar!!

Your man cones across as an absolute misfortune.

If hes not then thats some dangerous attitude to have about women, i fancy her so she has to be mine regardless of what she wants


I’d say he’s on the spectrum. You’d be hopeful for his sake that his contact list of female American sportswomen don’t get a hold of this; his journalism career would be in tatters.

Honestly its absolutely bizzare to remember and list every women ypu made a pass at unsuccessfully and hold it against them. We have all been rejected at some stage and got on with it. I found it very strange behaviour to think that way

Buff Egan type

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Fierce attention to detail

What’s this now?

How in the name of Jeesus was he able to remember all those names and where they were from…fucking rainman

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Must have a diary, i barely remember my own nane and address

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Pep and Kyle Walker used dark forces to take him down.

*term used loosely

Benchwarmers the cunts posting this on their social media channels.

Isn’t this from a few years ago?


Isn’t that what they do?

People in work were talking about this case today, the chap in Clare, one lad knows him and many of the others mentioned.
Sounds like he’s probably on the spectrum, life ruined

Whats the gist of the story?

Is this the fella who conducted a strange interview with Kyle Walker a couple of years ago? Asked him if Mendy was good craic at a time when Benjamin Mendy was under investigation amid sexual assault claims. I think Jurgen Klopp was perplexed by his accent on one occasion too. You’d wonder how he made it so far in the journalism game.