Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Some lad approaching 40 had his eye wiped by another local lad, so it seems he made a voice message for his friends which was an attempt to put down some rumours going around.

Anyway he spends over ten minutes going through his entire romantic history, naming loads of girls, his modus operandi was to ask them for a ride, it rarely worked.
Anyway it’s probably the end of him in Ireland


Theres a hell of a lot more about him on the go too

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You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


There’s a lad like that in a supermarket in town here that would be like that, asking women for the ride with wans he works with, lads putting him up to it. You’d nearly feel sorry for the poor crater.

You should feel sorry for him, he’s obviously not the full bob


If a lad is told hundred times and it isn’t seeping in, yeah.

Have they taken the link off their socials?

It was on that Gaelic Craic Facebook page which is ran by the same crowd

Tis the same click bait crowd alright


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That lad on the stag in Portugal won’t be right for a long time.

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There was a lad I knew in secondary school from Murroe. Sound fella. Hadn’t seen him in years until we were on a mutual friend’s stag in Ennis. The lads said to keep an eye out for him in action. He’d go up to a woman and see if she was interested. If she said ‘no’, he’d move onto her friend beside her. He was a real equal opportunities type. He didn’t care what they looked like as long as they had a pulse.

He had an enormous rejection rate but also did fairly well for himself.


They stitched him up good and proper. The poor fella.

Sounds like ‘the naked man’ play

How I Met Your Mother Comedy GIF by Laff

If you don’t ask you won’t get

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The fact he already has a bit of profile due to his media stuff certainly doesn’t help either as he’d be known outside his locality. That said I haven’t been sent the whatsapps either.

I saw them earlier. All wrong that bench warmers had them up. Clearly a troubled soul

That benchwarmers et al social media is all for click bait and really go way below the belt too often. An awful shower of cunts. Most people would agree with trackies comment that he doesn’t appear to be the full shilling. We all knpw the type amd to post that on a click bait news social media what ever you want to call it is really bad form

I know we’re on an anonymous internet forum here but they really are sneaky posting that in the public domain. Faceless action from a group of lads who haven’t really had much traction since around 2013-14.