Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

You’re not in a good place right now are you

Fairly bad form out of your man to take the photo and send it on.


You’d hope this girl has a few lads in her family who’ll make sure that cunt gets his comeuppance

Disappointing to see such misogyny on display.

Pathetic shit … when are people gonna learn when it comes to phones.

That’s his reflection there.


:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


He’s a stuip cunt for sending that on to his mates.Then her father actually sending it on to his mates not knowing it’s his daughter is a bit fucked up.

She should go to the guards with it.

It’s Mayo — nothing’s really fucked up there.

Did that second bit actually happen or made up? What kind of 50 or 60 year old man would send that on either way?

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True,it might teach him a lesson.Nice ass all the same though.


Yeah. I did think the same myself when I initially saw it. Very well put together.

Last time he’ll ever see it the stupid fucked

I’m glad my old man still uses the Nokia 3310 and can’t/won’t use text messages or WhatsApp.

He hands the phone to one of the family when he wants to send a message.


Presume the ref being mentioned is here is Ah Ref page that follows all things Mayo GAA?

My auld lad is on an auld Nokia as well. He does text messages but I texted him once for a phone number and the response was “Zero Eight Seven Two Three…” etc.

If you don’t respond to his messages within an hour (even if there is no question to answer), he will send it again. After that you’ll get a message asking ‘did you get my message?’

The mother is thinking of getting him a smartphone, because he annoys her every morning want to look at the latest photos of the grandchild on her phone


Ha, our auld fellas are of the same vintage so.

My old man’s latest craze is spending a half an hour a night on my mother’s smart phone, looking up the death notices on RIP.ie - making sure to read all the condolences messages in particular.

This is after hearing them all at least three times earlier in the day on local radio.


Lads will believe pigs can fly next.