Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Marshys at nothing here

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Roxie will be GDPRd into submission

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Careful now

Roxie could be fingered by the big fat dick of GDPR here… right in the ass.



roxie has been cancelled from the recruitment firm that she used to work in

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Roxie has more posts than followers on Instagram. Urk!

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looks like shes seriously pushing the FBF angle

She’s top class ya :+1:t2:

Cares so much too :joy:

This is odd even for here


The misogynists are in I see

I’ll believe Marshy over recruiter scum

The rugby set circling the wagons here

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She’s buxom

A new low for @Mac.

She looks and sounds gamey.

What’s the reason for sharing the last one? Or any of them for that matter.

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WhatsApp is quite the space for all manner of inane and pointless content. I’d do find it funny how much this has spread tho.

Ah yeah, much better put it up on here