Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans
Bag of cans


@Locke did you see the one with the fella up on the thing singing after the other fella threw the yoke? Your one was gas in it.


I joined TFK just to see Zebo’s wang. The day it gets posted, I’ll probably leave.


(from one of my other sign-ins)

Fuck off @Tank


That’s Alex Cuthbert mate. Zebo has a smaller beige penis like @Thomas_Brady

I saw the beans thing. Horrible bastards the Moran’s from the island bullying a fella with obvious problems. Kids flying around while it all going on up in Johnsgate.

You’re missing nothing viewing it but will send on if you want

No thanks.

If you could run as fast as your wit you’d be going to Tokyo

1 Like

I’m going to the moon cc @Copper_pipe

Isn’t that where Cap went?

Saw that . Nearly put you off drink for life . Nearly .



Hope Badger is out in force again this year.


Notifications, or lack of them. Not getting told that there are unread messages waiting for me. Have all the notifications on and have made sure it’s on Always for show previews. Thumb up the bum didn’t help either.

In your phone settings have you “Do Not Disturb” turned on?

Do you get any notifications for anything?

My Yahoo mail isn’t on either. Do not disturb not on. Get notifications from Gmail, texts and calls

Have you checked for an update?

An iOS update?

An app update