Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

i hope youre not behind this group @Thomas_Brady

I dont live in Limerick bro… I believe it was limited to Limerick people as it was a Limerick heritage preservation group. The story behind it all is absolutely nuts.

Spit it out

Go on.

Did you see @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy complaining about the misogynistic Bohemian FC supporters, while remaining completely silent about Mr Leddin’s shocking comments?

I have that fool on ignore … I wont be sharing anything on this site pal.

@Liqourice_Pipes is on record, stating that @Thomas_Brady canvassed for Brian Leddin in the last election.

He was convinced my name was Paul … and shur the whole forum knows my name.

That’s exactly what I’d expect Paul to say


What happened. Did they just call her a cunt or something?

I always found it funny that a Limerick lad was christened Chocco.


Brian Leddin, Green Party TD, described Limerick councillor Elisa O’Donovan as “unhinged” and “craving fame”

There must have been worse said somewhere, cos that’s tame enough

Did you miss the “death threats” made by “man 3”, not Leddin.

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Man 3 was way better than man 1 and man 2 but the drink got him.

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I haven’t bothered going too in-depth. I’d pretty much agree with Mr Leddin’s take on Eliza Doo-lally

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“Woman 1” is up for anything after a few drinks too. :eyes:

Go on.

She said she’d consider getting up on Elisa after a few drinks.

It’s either Thomas or Robert, beyond that I haven’t a clue?

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I’m pretty sure I worked out once that one of these lads is @Thomas_Brady but I can’t remember which one.

(roundabout 4:19 is the money shot)

Don’t you talk to me til you listen to the dulcet seductive tones of Dr Tess Lawrie