Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

He told us to hold off on paying twice for water and he was dead fucking right.

Like a stopped clock so

Not getting into covid but he passed and moaned about the consequences of the policies he wanted.

But was happy to pay his water charges in Brussels :smiley:

Yeah but we pay for it through general taxation whereas all of the progressive European countries who have water charges and far far better water infrastructure than us don’t so it’s ok for them to do it :man_shrugging:


I’m sure the money collected for water in Brussels goes towards the upkeep of the water infrastructure there. If not then I’m sure Paul will be of great help to the local anti corruption activists.

Independents and small party politics used to have to deliver for their constituency, not these days. A social media profile works wonders.

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Ming is serious proof

Getting a heap of money to improve already good roads versus a heap of money to address poverty and social injustice?

Ming, Mick Wallace, RBB (though he has a local rep), Clare Daly etc

Much of south Kerry is hugely disadvantaged . It was the same principle . Tony didn’t include disadvantaged swarhes of Limerick , Cork or Waterford in his deal . Btw I have no problem with what TG did

To be fair to Joe Higgins he saw through Daly

A decent man was Joe

The Healy Reas are really sefless when it comes to representing their voters as can be seen from the TD rich-list published recently.

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Roads versus heroine deaths?

You’d be deluded to think that the Healy-Reas genuinely care about anything other than themselves.


You would. But that doesn’t mean they don’t look after their constituents

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I am not glossing over the problems in the NIC but the point being was an independent with leverage over the government used same for their own area


I never said they weren’t selfless . They earn money from politics?! Big deal !!!

Can you show me a politician does it for nothing

It’s different though.