When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Drugs are bad lads.

One bad pill & 2 below the knee amputations & blind?
Fuck off.

Think he strolled into a nearby meadow on a bad trip, the mower did the rest.


A young lad from Borrisoleigh supposedly took a pill a couple of weekends ago, went into a coma within hours and was dead by the next day.


Surely that would have made the news?

Itā€™s on TFK , Iā€™d trust that more than the news.



It definitely happened. I dont know exactly what he took but the account I heard was he took a tablet, lost consciousness on the bus to a party in Limerick, was left to ā€œsober upā€ for a few hours, but when he didnt they took him to hospital. Died the next day.

10 dead now


Very quaint that Limerick folks think that a little dab of heroin would kill you.


Iā€™ll fucking kill you , you little cunt.

You seriously need a letting on Sunday :joy:

Heā€™ll pour another can of cider on @buffegan when he sees him


The government has murdered these 10 people, yet they will use them to justify their own dictatorship.

Waste of cider

Thatā€™s absolute nonsense.

People knew he took a tablet, he lost consciousness, and they left him to sober up? That also sounds like nonsense.

You think kids are going to be all sensible when they are wrecked on drugs? Fuck up you gowlā€¦ Iā€™d often have thrown myself down in a corner when wrecked and no one would have thought any thing of itā€¦
Itā€™s Ireland, of course the drug use will be suppressed from the pressā€¦ Just like suicide often is.