When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

@the_man_himself and @gilgamboa will be aghast by this news.

I need to start going to different pubs.


I was at home over the weekend. Met a relation of mine in his late 40s. He was bolloxed. Turns out he had been on cocaine the night before and was coming down. From further conversations it is extremely prevalent around with bags of powder being found in pubs the next day.

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Jesus christ ā€”grow the fuck up.

We were all young once and many dabbled and had great fun etc. etc ā€¦ but doing this regularly in your 30s/40s is just pathetic, it really is. Thereā€™s an immaturity in us (irish) that in many ways is great - we dont take ourselves seriously, a decent sense of humour and we are well up for a bit of craic ā€¦ but then it spills over to show the worst of us also. Not being able to have your few drinks and leave it at that - lads chasing craic by dragging the bollix out of 2/3 day sessions. The bollix that goes on when we travel to a major sporting event ā€“ oh look at us, weā€™re Irish and weā€™re great craic ā€¦ weā€™ve all been there ā€” but thereā€™s a serious want or need in us. We dont want to face reality or we get lost totally lost in the joy of a shared experience that we cant handle it ending ā€¦ and I think thatā€™s a large part of it. We are very social and experience great highs but we also experience great lows ā€¦ I think a lot of Irish people carry a sadness in them in the same way youā€™d hear the funniest of comedians are depressed ā€¦ All our wars are happy and all our songs are sad.

Many lads will dress up regular drug use as a bit of craic - shur everyone is at it ā€“ but I think thereā€™s a lot of pain in Irish peopleā€¦ we still arent the most open or confident of people ā€” and I think our gluttony for drink and drugs stems from this. Weā€™re manic depressives.


I think there is a lot of truth in that but a huge problem I see is that people donā€™t want to grow up. They want to live their youth years for as long as possible and shudder at the thought of responsibility and if this has been trust upon them they go mental when they have nights out, returning to their youth days. Of course their body isnā€™t able for that anymore drink wise so they start into the other shit.


Iā€™ve learned to open up.

Who is leaving bags of powder behind them ?

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Lads getting messy drunk still in their thirties is just sad to witness


The lads off their face on said powder.

How much is a nostril of coke nowdays lads? Say @mac portion.

2k and youā€™d run the risk of being done with intent to supply

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People in country pubs apparently, who I presume are either extremely rich or are buying bags of baking soda or ground up solpadeine.


Fellas getting hospitalised and everything cc @anon61878697


There is none so pious as the new convert.

What I donā€™t get is how college students are funding cocaine habits? Cocaine has always typically been the drug of young professionals.

Are students benefactors of big trust funds set aside by their parents these days?

Lads, cocaine use is a big issue in schools yet alone college.

Theyā€™re all working part time jobs. Work 25 hours while studying, get stressed out of your mind, spend all your money for the week for your night off. Go again.


Working 25 hours a week while studying was normal when I was in university. The drug of choice for students back then was weed and pills as they were affordable. Any university colleagues of mine that double would not really have used cocaine until they were working and had a steady, decent income.

Itā€™s expensive but if you make a few sacrifices elsewhere, Iā€™m sure itā€™s affordable.

But thatā€™s only the tip of it, look at the cost of rents/books/fees etc now compared to what it would have bee 15/20 years ago. I honestly donā€™t know how they afford it and I canā€™t understand how some families finance it for them.