When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

What are the pink things? Are they good for a broken heart?



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You’d want your head examined really

Those jokes are worth about €5 or €6 each, there’s about €150 worth in each bag at a stretch. If 8 dealers had a bag each I’d say the cops seized just over €1,000 max.

Are they the seven people Labour are hoping will get elected?

theres a caption comp right there

“all the people who voted for bacik last time out in the one photo”


Funny how they’ve appointed a serial election loser as their DOE.


Would the fellas here dabbling in the odd bit of powder lose much sleep over that young fella that was dismembered on Sunday?

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They’re all ordering theirs on the dark web @AppleCrumbled

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Shame on the people who purchase cocaine. Ye are keeping this going

@Breaking_my_balls was as high as a kite last week

Haven’t I enough of a show made of you without you tagging me?


What about cannabis and heroin?

Coke seems to be the culprit with the Dublin gangs.

These Drogheda lads seem to have had a major cannabis shipment stopped in November

They seem to be implying in that Clayton Lynch killed Carberry.