When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Look up a bit lad.

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Fair enough. It’s hard to keep up with all the snack discussions

I usually buy a bag of taytos for everyone in the round if it’s a small round (3 lads or less). Anything bigger and it’s a fairly vulgar display of wealth.

Crisps and good Guinness is what’ll be laid on for me in heaven


Heaven must be somewhere in between Tayto Park and the Guinness Storehouse so…

The Ratoath Inn?


You find out a lot about the characters in a group around an open package of taytos.

One mentalist (cc @anon78624367) seems to think you ask for a “package of crisps”.


Sorry guys, I steered the conversation this way by admitting I’ve never had Taytos with a pint and invited a furious backlash from the roasters.


Package of crips

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Lads are opening packages of cocaine these days to share at the table


A “MacRoaster does cocaine” special would bring the forum to a standstill

MacRoaster throws a line of coke into the end of a bag of tayto and then snorts the resultant coke and tayto crumb mixture

While buying Coke and crisps for his young nephew

The nephew complains of a strange flavouring that has desccended on his crisps

So I’m queuing up here and I see the bouncer sticks his hand right onto the jeans pocket of the lad in front of me, right down to the bottom. I immediately panic because mine is sitting loose in the bottom of my pocket. I politely excuse myself, step out around the corner and immediately down everything I have, no water, and come back and enter. Then I think “I must text the tfk lads”. Fucking savage night.
Efit: this was about 2 minutes ago


At the risk of repeating myself


Do you still go to places with queues and bouncers?

He’s only a gossun

The last place I was in with queues, was Moyna’s bar with Kieran and Darren.

The great Paul Stamets and the often great Joe Rogan talk mycelium, fungi and getting off your head.
Any lads not micro dosing in 2019 may as well be ating mouthfuls of drawing pins

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