When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

I donā€™t do chemicals anymore but peruvian torch is worth a try, myself and a mate of mine cooked one up a few weeks ago.

Go onā€¦

Mescaline. A good few hours boiling it too. Went to the congos one night after doing it and was recked but another time we got sfa off it. My mate says your better off getting the mushrooms online!

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Bolivian torch is better and peyote puts both of them in the shade.

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I see what you did there.

The smell must be phenomenal

Why donā€™t you write that In English so us normal people can understand it.

It roughly translates as ā€œI like drugsā€.

Any time @feck_it

Iā€™m pissed now but there isnā€™t actually much in it buddy Do you know who the congos are?

The Congos in Africa?

Iā€™ve a big problem lads.

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You know nout

Nope Jamaica u stupid farmer diipstic

I hope youā€™ve no kids you fuckin degenerate

Supply a serious issue lads

Hurry up @feck_it for fucks sakes

Hold on there buddy. Why donā€™t you say the same to lads here that take coke and shit handicap

Oh i think the same of them cunts.Dont be so touchy

Well donā€™t be picking on a lad who is having a beer so and cop on