When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Youā€™d get high standing next to it.


A Beer :grinning:.Your a gas man.Im not the 5 0

OK 3 Tyske a bottle of red and a naggin ofJameson. Christ what are u even doing in the druggy thread,.

Watching you rummy

Any time boys

Thereā€™s lots of your mates here buddy that have taken drugs and some probably do still. I wouldnā€™t go near a chemical I gaurentee you that. Now pollitley fuck off

I have no mates here.

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Kids? :joy: Iā€™d wager he scarcely has hair on his nads. Himself and his boyfriend nacker drinking & tugging each other off beside a campfire on some waste ground by the sounds of it.

Youā€™ve some imagination lad.Id say you need some counselling.

ā€˜I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them thinkā€™ Feech La Manna


A few lads here that could do with some drugs.


Fucking sureā€¦if I had them, Iā€™d take them.

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Supply is so bad you canā€™t even make a cup of tea.

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Lockdown is tough. The brother in law was on looking for weed despite the fact that he knows I donā€™t really partake anymore. But his connection is from miles outside the 5k. So I hit up a few old contacts. And they all came throughā€¦ so Iā€™ve an excess of weed in the back of the Berlingo faoi lĆ thair. Now Iā€™m not a junkie but Iā€™m fairly sure ill find a can and do a pipe. Old skool.


No harm in it at all mate, helps to pass a few hours. Even your own company can be pleasant enough.


I think Iā€™ll break out soon. Not on chemicals though, they for the birds

Ah yeah. Sure youā€™d have too


Every Moving Thing That Lives Shall Be Food For You. And As I Give You the Green Plants, I give You Everything ā€“ Genesis 9:3

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Now that fucking old skool :rofl: :pint: