When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

And stink the place out of it and get ratted on by neighbours? Nope

All these problems have well tested low cost solutions, apparently…air filters and the like
(Give me alcohol any day)

Snappy chat dealers seem to be all over Limerick, dunno how they aren’t caught handily.

Alcohol is the destruction of mankind, weed is the healing of the nations. Bob marley

Bob’s da was raping and pillaging half the planet on behalf of her royal highness. You’d think he’d let me enjoy a few beers

Captain Marley had nout to do with Bob. We all like a few but I understand what he was saying.

You’re not a man until you’ve had a bad acid trip. Also until you’ve crashed your motorbike.

As someone who has never been drawn to the recreational drug scene.

You see the way drug use is portrayed in films and all that with lads chomping on pills and shovelling coke up their nose. Is that dramatically exaggerated on TV and movies?

I’d imagine that sort of excess drug use, particularly with cocaine is probably going to have your ticker going to be gone at some point. It’s surely overplayed on TV shows and that, no?

Obviously yokes and that are probably more dangerous from a bad batch rather than an overdose?

Yokes are very safe unless you’re a young woman. To be completely honest I’ve been out with lads who have done an amazing amount of pills, like 5-10 and they’ve all been grand.

Depends on the person. Mostly exaggerated I guess. You’d need to be very rich to be shovelling coke.

Bob was hardly an upstanding man now was he? How many kids did he have that he more or less ignored? He used women as objects… He was a cunt

@feck_it is a nawful man for the drugs.

he was a rastaman

nope hardley take them and never chemicals, lots of lads here id say…

dont mind them buddy, theyve taken loads of drugs, chanchers


give over Slave Driver (1991) - Bob Marley & The Wailers - YouTube

tell the man for goodness sake, chemcals are bad. hash is good

watch your trap id only smoke hash if i get it

What were you, some kind of alterboy?

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