When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

But did you not realize later you were talking shit?

It can be very enjoyable, and creative. The issue with brain development is your brain is still developing well into your early 20s, if teenagers abuse weed it definitely affects them. Iā€™ve seen it up close, kids that were stoners in school and are permanent stoners as adults.

No - some lasting shit came out of smoking sessions. I wrote an algorithm in college when I was high that got me through uni and beyond.

Acid can definitely fuck you up.

I inadvertently took acid at the Reading festival, circa 2001-2002, it was hidden in a hash cake.

Alien Ant Farm covered Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson. If I hear that version today it sends me into an episode


I agree, it can be very creative. Look at the shite the Beatles were putting out before they started smoking and then taking acid. But then you also have the Syd Barretts.

I donā€™t think the creativity is brought out by the drugs per se. I think the drugs can strip back the societal issues/stresses and can help you get in touch with your self. Not chemicals now but herbs.

With all the outside influences and how high we are from T.V and radio. We need to regulate it with nature

Mother ayahuasca kicked the blue bejaysus out of Graham Hancock when he was addicted to weed. Perhaps he could advise government policy? Iā€™d trust him ahead of tony and co.

Can we not? Please

What? Hallucinogenics are proving very successful in the treatment of all sorts of addictions, PTSD etc


Take over this thread as well.

Peace out

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Horrible and the latter is frightening when itā€™s due to taking shit, after a Friday and Saturday binge of speed and ecstasy in 2005 I got my first panic attack honestly thought was having a heart attack or a stroke chest went numb, pins and needles in arms, couldnā€™t catch my breath and pure terror. Wasnā€™t long completely going off all drugs after that in hindsight was the best thing that could have happened at 18 after 2 years of going bananas every other weekend.

what were you taking ?

Speed and ecstasy, was never fond of hash or weed.

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Lot of lightweights posting here, Estaban and his soapbar hash :sweat_smile:

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it works to be honest.
Portugall have taken a decriminalisation approach and it has reduced harm.

Thatā€™s absolute nonsense pal.

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Jesus as I read down through it youā€™re talking even more nonsense.

A fucking classic!

Hash tbh is all Iā€™d ever buy in Ireland again. The weed is laced here. Iā€™ve been to Amsterdam and Jamaica and thereā€™s definitely a difference in quality of the weed.

Would you not just grow your own?