When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

It seems to connect the reward part of your brain with the task part of your brain.

I ordered a new batch this week. I’ll keep it up as long as it gets through.

The effects of psilocybin on the Task Positive Network

Our brains and their innate networks must be precisely calibrated to be and feel at our best. When rattled, dysregulation in the Default Mode Network can become a reliable predictor of behavioral or mental health issues.

Calibration and regulation can only happen when there are optimal neural connections. Higher levels of brain connectivity allow for fluid switching between the DMN and the TPN.

In other words, the higher the connections between brain networks, the easier it is to not ruminate, to go out and exercise, to not feel self-involved, and perhaps even act more altruistically.

Placebo vs Psilocybin Brain. Source: Frontiers | The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs

When we look at the above picture, the image on the left shows a normal, well-ordered brain. In contrast, the image on the right shows a picture of a brain after a psilocybin injection.

The brain on psilocybin shows a vast cross-linking of networks, indicating greater communication across the brain as a whole. The brain seems to become temporarily more interconnected and able to create new perspectives, insights, and meanings while the DMN is temporarily pulled offline.

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Through microdose.nl?

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There’s guys delivering it to the door in Dublin

Micro dose pro .com


Cheers mate :+1:t2:

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I found edibles unreal for my depression, insomnia and workout recovery, but i cant seem to get them anymore. Insane that they are still criminalized

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Astro ?

These are really after helping my mind @TheUlteriorMotive. Never realised how much I used to dwell on things from my past until now. Anxiety gone, focus gone up!


Microdose.nl can send ya link if you want. Came to me last Friday.


Yeah they definitely rewire the brain

Try a float in the new year in a flotation tank and see what you reckon

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How much are you doing? Those ones are not that potent so don’t be a hero if you happen on picked mushrooms or other Dutch truffles FYI

1 gram one day then 1 gram 2 days later. Go off them for a month then repeat basically.

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What’s that pal?

you’ll be de-icing your vehicle with plastic bags if you are not careful here pal.



Sensory deprivation tank

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If you took steps to connect your brain hemispheres you’d be capable of that sort of absolute mental clarity too.

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It’ll be the new Scotty’s

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You cant move in NY for the smell of weed