When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

No. But they were grand all the same. Had a nice evening with herself. Went for an earlish bite to eat ans settled down after for a few pints and the rugby.

Life is good. Enjoy!

Has anyone ever microdosed on truffles?

Seems to be becoming common enough. Not sure why youd risk tripping balls for what is described as a just warm, fuzzy feeling if done right. Dose wrong and strap yourself in!

Seems same end effect as smoking a joint so why not just do that?

Its supposed to unlock creativity and the other benefits of a pyschedelic experience without the risk of thinking the curtains are alive and want to devour you

Yeah which is the same as smoking a joint but then don’t have the risk of the monkeys scratching your eyes

I’ve got adhd, and don’t think it right too be smoking joints when all sorts of shit is added to it. If it was legal and knew someone growing it, then yeah, would get it, but don’t trust it. Seen I can buy the microdosed truffles through a Dutch company, who grow all their own stuff, and if it doesn’t come through customs, I get my money back.

Grow it yourself

The day they decriminalise it I will. So probably never.

Currently laws also prohibit psychoactive truffles too which doesn’t appear to be stopping you?!

Small box safer to have than many big plants.

You can grow it in the equivalent of about 4 shoeboxes in your hotpress.

I’m not growing it pal.

The horticultural aspect will help provide focus for the ADHD.

I’m only seeing upsides here


I’ve done it alright.

The most noticeable difference is I’ve sort of lost interest in getting drunk. I read about it afterwards as a common side effect.



Interesting. Any other side effects that you found?

Are lads smoking truffle instead of shaving it on their Parmesan fries? What a waste


Sort of makes me more productive. So if I need to do something now I find I just go and do it rather than think about doing it.

It’s supposed to create new neural connections and join up different parts of brain.

It’s worth trying.

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I’m sold on this, cheers. Was talking to a lad who takes them, and never realised the benefits.