Who will be the first forumer to contract the Corona virus?

Best of luck to ye all dude

Where were you exposed?

id say we’re negative being honest, none of the major symptoms . Good to see testing widening

if anything, it was cunts calling before she closed up tge biz. She had two call who had been in CUH for days with their sick dad but said nothing until they were face to face with the mrs despite her sending a text… Anyway, i reckon we just have a regular throat thing.

Best of luck.

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My brother in law has to be tested today because he works with a lad who lives with 2 fuckin assholes who were in Cheltenham last week and have it now,his wife is a nurse and will have to sit at home now for 2 weeks while she’s badly needed in UHL.

His frontal regions.

@gilgamboa is your brother in law?


Is his wife a nurse?I never knew that😀

Any confirmations yet?

No one can get tested so they cant confirm.

Much like a betting thread, after timing won’t be allowed here.


Still waiting for odds on @Fran.

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Anyone yet?

TFK posters must be all social outcasts.

The aids meds must be keeping it at bay

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No but I got a text to say they know I’m still waiting for a test and to keep self Isolating.

How long have you been self isolating now?

Since last Sunday. 9 days
