Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Your party abused grace

What are you on about now?


As long as it’s not some Claire cunt or PMU or anything from The Liberties Clique, I’m not bothered.

There is no vacancy

Who will be Limerick manager at about 4pm tomorrow? Any takers?

Nice change to the thread title but who is talking bollox now?

So, let me paraphrase the question again. Given yet another disastrous league campaign, who is best qualified to take Limerick out of the doldrums and into the big time?

Admin, like a good chap put the title of the thread back as it was you bollox.

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You can change it yourself batt.

Like I just did.

Wouldn’t be the most technical lad on the interweb Flatty. I will have to waste time now trying to figure that out. Jaysus.

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Go to the top of the thread. There is a little picture of a pencil beside the title. Click that.

Stop now Flatty. The fun is over, there are serious matters at hand. The future of Limerick GAA is at stake.

:grinning: OK batt.

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What was the original title? I’ll put you out of your misery before Elvis comes along.

Can’t remember now but it was along the lines of who will be the next Limerick manager.

Elvis, the cunt, doesn’t bother me in the least.

Thanks pal.

Did you bust a few heads in Ennis today, pal?

Certainly not. I am a very mild mannered chap and violence would be the furthest thing from my mind. Myself and one of the little Batts go to matches all over the place and would run a mile from it. On the other hand, back me into a corner or threaten one of the little Batts and another side of me will be seen.

I suppose coming from Tipp, violence is a part of everyday life. Thats what happens when you have to fight with your cousins for the last spud, I suppose.



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Has the gobshite been removed from the position of manager yet? What are they waiting for exactly?

Fucking apes. Spike ye are apes if you are reading this.

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Ciaran Carey.