Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Ahane? Never heard of it. Anyone of note from there?

I think their ground is named after some hatchet man who might have hurled a bit for Limerick.

Fine, dont narrow it down so.

No Clem Smith hasn’t had a pitch named after him…yet

Any excuse to throw this up again. The best damn pet shop in town.


I can confirm this individual is not in the running

I can also confirm there are a few lads posting here with over active imaginations :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

He likes hurling why go to Limerick… MONEY

Hasn’t he already spent most of his working life in Limerick?

I spotted Clement’s name over a licenced premises in Charleville recently. One and the same I presume.


Who cares get the players before anyone cares

Has Tommy Dunne’s name came up at all? Top notch coach who would probably be open to a full managerial role at this stage.

Don’t think Tommy would be suited to management. Maybe a joint role but not by himself. Wouldn’t see him being a good man manager. Excellent coach no doubt. A bit like Cunningham with Dublin.

Limerick have very good record with joint managers.

Richie Bennis deserves a second term… he has a grand 'oul way of going on

We are getting close to decision time regarding our new hurling Manager.

I expect Limerick hurling fans to be very pleased with the announcement :wink:

It must be Tom Ryan then Project X come on spill the beans.

It would be inappropriate for me to say the name before it has been formally announced.

What I will say is that it will be a popular decision.

Spit it out you gimp let’s see if you know anything. I sincerely doubt it.

don’t mind him, he doesnt even know who his aul wan is