Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Dunno, the Internet could explode.

Looks fine

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Don’t be fucking jinxing it like that.

So will it be Davy with Sheedy as his number 2, or Sheedy with Davy as his number 2?

Sheedy would work for free as opposed to working with Davy.

How dare he think he’s going to work for free! PJ will double his money for that sort of crazy talk.

Davy would burn Limerick. No way he would come to us.

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A quids a quid.

Davy Fitz gets the job I’ll shit in @ChocolateMice’s hat

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Just shit on his head altogether?

That’s a bit harsh mate

Davy is 50% Limerick blood.

West Limerick blood mind you, but still within the county boundaries


The West Limerick half might explain his temperament

@Mac will be DELIGHTED.

Whats this?

Dowling centre back?

Liam Dunne is after getting the Limerick job. He gave a great interview

He’s too fat an immobile to play there

I’ve no interest in this thread unless someone from Ahane is appointed as manager


The man in the running for the job…