Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Sheedy has it so?

I said two months ago that the aim was to have a manager in place by today. I haven’t heard anything from either of my sources, but then again, I haven’t asked… I’ll ask now.

@carryharry, @Joe_Player, who got the job?

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Sheedy makes sense…

It is what it is…I don’t see a better alternative.

Fuck him and fuck you.

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Fuck up you bitter bollocks.

It will be a while yet before the news makes its way down to fellows like you :joy:

You Tipp loving cunt.

You’re not going to rise me pal.

Sleep it off.

It won’t be Sheedy he is too cute than to get involved with Limerick. Unless the price is very, very, very right.

To answer the question posed…Irrelevant.

Tipp to dominate Munster and the rest for 20 years.


My Leitrim nigga…

Don’t spoil your county’s image any more beyond the extremes your compatriot did today.

Days like yours have had today have never darkened our door, but the outlandish comment by the lad took away a lot of the gloss from the county’s day.


My nigga…

They won’t.

Kilkenny earned a kind of grudging respect from the other teams, a fear even if you will. They were the biggest boys in the class and Leinster became their playground.

Tipp evoke something a little different, it’s just in their nature. I’d be the first to commend them on today, it was beautiful at times, pure, attacking hurling, but the seeds of utter hatred are already being sown…


Nobody fears Tipp. Everyone will want a cut at the cunts.

Different story with KK for the last decade plus, most teams were half beaten before they set foot on the pitch.

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We always hear that when they win.

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Ah here. He was an overexcited young fella. It was a fine win and a great performance and one small throwaway comment will never change that, nor take any gloss off it.


Your a generous man Flatty.

Too generous in this instance

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What did he say? I turned the TV off at full time. ‘Bubbles’ was it?