Who will be the next Limerick manager?

It’s not Davy’s job pal :wink:

You could argue the reason there wasn’t any outside managers in charge of real contending teams is they wouldn’t have them in the first place.

As deluded as I am…I think we’re as far away currently as ever from being contenders…I was pro Sheedy all along but the more I think about the more I believe we need to somehow put a competent management team in place who are doing it for more then twelve pieces of silver.

Could do a lot worst then Gary Kirby, Brian Ryan, Kinnerk and another.

Unusual for a Limerick supporter to want a proven AI Finalist loser vs a known AI Final winner. :smile:

How are they progressing in this years championship? Must be a final coming up?

He was found out this year bigtime…but you won’t win any game without a strong halfback line.

Losing Hegarty, O’Connell and Byrnes from 15 was huge…along with the disruption of half the panel going up to the seniors.

So you mean to tell me, you would rather suffer on w/o an AI than see a proven facilitator with an AI winning pedigree take charge? These pieces of Silver you speak of, who could possibly afford them? Could we organize a whip around?

He has zero interest in the job kid.

Plus he walked away from his own in 11…when the double was on.

He’s on the GAA junket circuit now and good luck to him.

Why would anyone limerick or wexford or offaly man want the manager’s job in their respective counties? Endless work, abuse and a very limited chance of success. And not a red cent for it.

Cough cough

If you say so. But you have just claimed he would only be in it for the money. Winning AI’s comes at a price, putting the right people in place costs money, feeding the players, taking them on trips, training gear, physio bills etc etc…

Above is only a taster of the level of planning needed before you think of training, game plan, looking at players with their clubs, watching College games, putting the right selectors in place. Again, the above are a small part of it…

Some lads write off Sheedy as being greedy. More are probably jealous of his success in Sport, Punditry & Work. Whatever the reasons, he’s a winner. He put people in positions on a team so they can excel on & off the field to reach a common goal.


Michael Ryan will go for 2 in a row…ask yourself why didn’t Sheedy?

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How long was Sheedy Tipp manager? You could imagine his employers wanted him back on the job. That’s a pretty dumb example to try and put your point across.

Michael Ryan has left his position as Bank Branch Manager to focus on farming full time.

Think about it.

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Dun do bheal you junkie.:hushed:

That is a possibility, obviously. But Cody distorts all those kind of stats in the last fifteen years anyway. It’s almost impossible to know.

I think if Sheedy was genuinely interested in the job, it would be hard to turn him down based upon his credentials.


Did BOI really though?, or did he get out at the right time for himself to keep his legacy in tact?

He was a great manager but imo, he got went out on a high and doesn’t have the hunger to start again particularly outside of Tipp…when the handier option is a seat beside Cyril and Ger.

If i have to explain the difference between one guy leaving after 3 seasons & another chap staying on after winning an AI in his first year then i might just log out.

Agreed about Sheedy…but I’m fairly sure he isn’t interested pal.

Plus we’re in transition…our main goal should be getting out of 1b next year first and foremost.

We’re miles away from the 4 semi-finalists this year not to mention an AI…based off what I saw this year in league and championship.

I’d rather kill myself than watch Sheedy manage Limerick.


Sheedy took over a bumbling mess of a Tipp team in 2008.

Go on, expand why you are pretty sure?

Read the rest of the post kid.
