Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Credit where it’s due, only Limerick could pack this level of drama/confusion into the relatively mundane task of telling people who their manager is.


Was anyone at any of the club matches the weekend? They might have seen Anthony there if they were…

It’s an embarrassment to come on here and read idiotic statements like “Limerick hurling is box office”. It displays the defeatist zero pride zero integrity there is here and in the main across Limerick gaa circles county wide. Saddening to think we laugh at ourselves without a whit of confidence or a positive outlook. No wonder we’re the eternal losers with the like of you lot involved. Bums.

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John Kiely. Done deal.


Kiely, Kinnerk and O’Neil confirmed.

Next year things will be different, keep the chops facing north.

So now we know why Martin would sign the contract with Delaney.

I got a text earlier saying “john Kiely is the new hurling manager. Done deal.”

I also got one "Anthony Cunningham will be announced as hurling manager tomorrow "

And another one saying "Shane O’Neill the new manager with a link to the IT article "

John LeCarre does intrigue at this level .

FatChops brings you the news you can trust.


John Kiely Manager.
Paul Kinnerk Coach
Joe O’Connor S&C
Jimmy Quilty Selector
1 more selector to be added


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They had to ask him twice after no one else wanted it.

I’m delighted. He would have been my no. 1 choice since day 1. Decent management team in place with one more man to come.

Lads ye do realise it’s John Kiely that trains horses for JP thats been given the job and not the u21 manager?


Whether he has the minerals for senior is another thing… but the players will love him… The 21s over the last couple of years couldn’t praise him enough.

Who is Quilty? Why in the name of jaysus are they still looking for a selector?

Winning players love Winning managers.

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A couple of new additions this year that ddint see much game time were my main source, kid. Not just Kiely tho, they said Corbett (S&C) was a top man also.

So it appears that is it. I hope he gets a seven year contract and is left alone to get on with it. If I come on here next March to read that some of you cunts are calling for his removal I’ll split you open with a Hurley ye cunts. Now shut ye’re holes and fuck off out of the house and do something ye useless gossiping bitches.

Rocko shut this thread down now.


Are you ok, pal? That’s an extremely angry post and very out of character for you.