I’m out and about at present, I’ll deal with this vital matter later.
A bit of craic in 4th class indeed. Is it any wonder there isn’t a decent tradesman in the country?!
Jimmy Ryan Newport. Ask anyone in the know, no one comes close.
Best there was/is.
Doesn’t do as much anymore, arthritis in the hands.
Oh I’d say so. Don’t know the make but she’s a dinger
This is a very very interesting discussion, I wouldn’t recognise those as fretsaws, google it and look at the images
I’m aware of the sort of misinformed inaccurate shite that passes for knowledge and information on Google . If I have to consult Google I’d be in serious trouble. Google should consult me.
Here’s one that would have done your job, up to a point. It’s a rip saw…God knows what Google would call it.
It’s as fine a tool as you’re likely to find. Of all the saws I ever saw saw I never saw a saw saw like I saw that saw saw.
Look mate, no offence, it was fretwork that we did in 4th class, that’s what we called it, on our booklist we were told to go into Frank Clark’s and ask for a fretsaw, it was identical to what i posted up a while ago. We were 9 or 10, we didn’t second guess the teacher and the fretsaw did a mighty job of making medal boards and other items from old tea chests.
A rip saw would have been fuck all use to a bunch of lads under 4 foot tall.
Are you two utterly boring pricks at it again?
Go and boil your head in cicero’s saucepan.
It is in its fuck
New Awards
Most likely TFK Poster to share a pint with once but once only : @backinatracksuit
Most likely TFK Poster to cut up a fellow TFK Poster using an array of saws : @glenshane
The irony meter turned off today mate?
Share a pint? Would ye not have one each?
This is cutting edge stuff we’re discussing
I like you Ambrose, I do, but you try too hard sometimes. You’re a bit of a misfortune
Who have you been talking to?
That deserves a lot of likes.
Watching Nationwide there. Marty down with Torpey hurleys. 36-65 euro for a Hurley. No wonder fellas aren’t breaking them off of each other any more.