Windy down in cork today

had the misfortune of been in Cork today - flew down- plane going in to land & all of a sudden the pilot pulls the plane & goes up again - :eek: came on the loudspeaker to say there were gusts of 50 mph & that he will give it another shot & if that didnt work we would go to shannon- i was of the train of thought that if there was a chance it wasnt going to work id prefer to go straight to shannon but he got us down ok- probably a very routine procedure but 1st time its ever happened to me & im from an aeronautical background

Awful weather. Had to drop back home to East Cork for a few hours, place was completely flooded. Still fucking is in fact.

the taxi man said cark airport is prone to fog & crosswinds- can you verify?

Heard a story of someone in Galway taking 7 hours to do a trip that takes 40 minutes because of the floods.

FAO Corkonians

What would be the chances of driving from Galway to West Cork in the current conditions?

Fog, yes 100%, a serious issue up there.
crosswinds i dont know

i hope to fuck God or whoever it is is controlling the rain button decides to flood the fuck out of catlemartyr and if here is any rain left at the end actaully wash the place away.
A horrible, inbred, shithole of a place

cork airport would be on high ground ?..

It’s definitely prone to fog anyway, that kind of thing.

no, not at all, awful flat desolate spot, like any other airport really.
i used “up” entirely as a figure of speech, as in we used to drive “up” to the airport from Cobh…

it’s a hoor for the fog that shaggin place tho.

They have fierce problems with fog at Cork airport.

[quote=“mickee321”]no, not at all, awful flat desolate spot, like any other airport really.
i used “up” entirely as a figure of speech, as in we used to drive “up” to the airport from Cobh…

it’s a hoor for the fog that shaggin place tho.[/quote]

is it not off the ring road come to rounadabout and first left is up to Grange and next is up a gradual hill where there’s a gay roundabout with a hedge in the shape of a plane??..

Agreed, it’s fair foggy around Cork airport

“a gay roundabout”??:confused:

fair point runt, its a problem allright the old fog

ok a roundabout with a gay hedge in the shape of an aeroplane…

no no its a roundabout with a hedge in the shape of a gay aeroplane

:clap: thats the one…

The army have been called in, I think it’s something to do with the auld fog

it was fair foggy tho… that’s what all readers should take from this comprehensive discussion.

Admins lock the thread and ban scumpot for being a mong.
He disgusts me.
