With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

What does the 5 years matter if the spending is going to exceed SSIA spending. Will you have saved and extra 25k from April 2020 to August this year when this shit ends? Unlikely.


You’ve had about 10 post in the past year about shit going wrong in your house.

25k - you’ve a decent job in that time, if you’re not going mad on the craft beer like @Julio_Geordio isnt a crazy sum id say mate.

There is nothing to spend discretionary money on sure.

We’re talking about extra saving, as a result of lockdown.

Didnt see you call out that specifically - fair enough.

Sure that’s normal wear and tear… Don’t know what that has to do with the price of onions

The point is that the savings rate is literally off the charts. There is a massive pent up demand that has never been seen before and will be unleashed in a wave of spending when this ends.
There are undoubtedly a chunk who will be left decimated by this. But really the minimum wage worker is not any worse off if they are getting €350 a week with no expenses. It’s a cohort caught in the middle who’ll be decimated. I’d expect the economic rebound to be sharp, hopefully sharp enough to save a lot of businesses on the edge. But undoubtedly a lot of businesses that were getting by barely before this will go to the wall sadly.

The pilots, the air hostesses, the fella that fuels the plane, the fella that owns the plane, the fella the waves the planes in, the fella that serves you a shit burrito in the airport before you get on the plane, the fella that owns the place that makes the shit burrito, the fella that drives the bus that takes you to the big car park after you get off the plane, the fella that owns the big carpark, the fella who…

There’s a hole there somewhere. Only for the magnificent work of Tenerife dentists these lads wouldn’t have any work to be doing at all.


As the man says to the smoker. If you didn’t smoke in ten years you could afford a Ferrari.
Do you smoke? No. Well where the fuck is your Ferrari.


About 10k-12k saved since this time last year between diesel, kids activities, lunches and pints, family holidays etc…

Any of it actually saved? Nope… Spending away on bits around the house that were needed.

I’d say alot of people have been spending away and doing bits whilst they are around at home.


Lot of truth in that,

At the moment though you could be smoking 40 john player blue cigarrettes a day and still be better off with no holidays, matches, restaurants, pubs, weddings to go to etc

Be interesting to see what happens when we eventually open up or will a lot of that money be spent online.

I find money is like a liquid, if you’ve an overflow it’ll find a new crack to fill :joy:


Would you consider the working from home piece an added opportunity also potentially to get a higher wage in Dublin while working in Limerick?

That could be a game changer for the rest of Ireland.

Roughly an uplift of 15-20% in the pale for the same role.



Depending on the industry… they may want you back in the office at some stage. Careful what you sign up for…

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I’m walking that tightrope at the moment. Hoping to George Costanza my way into WFH and acting like nothing happened.

If the work is getting done then who gives a fuck. There is the odd meeting that needs the team in house for… strategy/brain storming type stuff where a bit of focus is needed… but for the day to day work keep the lights on activites then it doesn’t matter where it happens.

The likes of MS Teams won’t be long identifying who isn’t engaging anyway.


I’ve done it mate. If you believe in your dreams, and let them think you work hard enough then anything is possible

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I’d say productivity is through the roof in a lot of companies with all the cunts who did nothing but call meetings dying of exposure


Stick meetings in your outlook calendar for the full day and you can leave the laptop without ever appearing away. :grin:

Pal of mine is a team lead in a big multinational in cork… All his reports are working around munster… All delighted to be at home… And all motivated to make it work long term…

He has organised a few “team meetings” and " bonding events"… Running them out of another pals massive garage with a few golf simulators… Spend an hour or two taking abiut work… A few hours hitting golf balls and drinking cans and a meal… Charge the company a few quid and noone is rocking the boat it suits them all

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