With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Do lads think there’ll be a genuine paradigm shift now to working from home? There’s an awful lot of middle management types who need people to be back in the office to justify their existence. But I mean if it’s actually working for companies as is, then the cost savings are massive.
If there’s even a marginal shift as it seems there will be then office space is bolloxed surely. Even those who keep an office presence can downsize massively.
The whole face to face meeting with clients even seems a bit needless for all involved now, in a lot of situations. There’ll always be a need to some extent but it’s way down on what it was forever IMO.
But maybe over time we’ll drift back. I used to have to go to the UK a bit, you’d chat to the client and line it up but they’d want to meet in person to close the deal. That’s gone now. I wonder will it come back

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Be careful with that though if using Teams.

If you create a fake teams meeting. It’ll show you as “In a meeting” if you haven’t dialled into the meeting/call.

One you click Join it changes to “In a call”


Big time… I used to do a day at home a day on road and 3 days in office… Already agreed with boss one day in office one on road and three at home… He will be doing the same

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As long as your not abusing it then most people will tolerate a bit of ducking and diving. If you show up on management radar though, your fucked… Teams admin gives a full audit on what the actual history is.

Good shout, we’ve ms teams now but its not really used yet.

Still more so on the instant messenger that I tended to always put to “busy” for the same effect.

Surely international business travel is dead. Why was it ever necessary, why did you have to go to the uk just to close a deal?

I’m WFH forever now, but I’ve a bit of a unique situation not transferable to others so maybe an outlier. I can honestly say they are getting more out of me now than ever. No great boast tbf.


You mug.

I’ve never been busier myself to be honest. There is no need for me to ever go back to the office either other than for a bit of craic - meetibg people in person is good too.

5 days a week wfh is a lot.

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I think it’s a terribly sad to see people spending the day in their room staring at a screen in a hoody and tracksuit bottoms.

At least you’d have a few stories to tell after a day in the office.

I can’t get my head around it.


It seems a bit bizarre now but fellas would be like ya I’m interested, next time you are over call in. I’d go over for maybe 3 or 4 days every two months or so. Have maybe two meetings a day (and some days none because it’s a cunt to line everything up for one week) and most of the meetings would be just to pad the calendar around days you actually needed to be there. Or else it’d be a conference. Can’t see any conference anytime soon, but that’s one thing that I’d imagine will come back eventually. Lads want a jolly away from home

Absolutely, if companies are set up for it.

You’d be surprised the amount of people who hate working from home though and can’t wait to get back to the office


I have 2 “meetings” set up every day at the same times for breakfast /lunch so I’ll show as not available on the scheduling assistant if someone wants to setup a meeting :innocent:


I predict that in a year’s time the most we’ll get is 1 day a week from home. This will be allowed just to proved that you can incase of the next pandemic.

You’re dead right, there is always ignorant cunts who’ll ignore it,

Its a good thing to do though especially for your hour lunch or whatever.

You’d feel for the high price escorts in Hamburg and Brussels.

I was never an international business traveller, I just could never understand the need for a face to face, especially in the zoom era.

In my experience I’ll be an outlier looking to predominantly WFH. Those older would be property owners tied to the big schmoke and looking to escape wife and kids. Those younger want to be in the city for the craic. I’m in a smaller cohort of frustrated commuters looking to move to rural Ireland to get an island.

As I said on here before. This wouldn’t have suited me 5 years ago even, at all at all. After work pints etc. But it’s a fucking delight at this stage of my life. No more shite conversation.
I’ve enough friends, I don’t need any more. It’s a disaster at the minute because I’ve no social outlet, but once that sorts itself I’ll be very happy I think. My major fear is that I can’t quit now :see_no_evil: They’ll have me for life

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The tech multinationals will do at least 3 days and 5 if you want. They manage you within an inch of your life and couldn’t give 2 fucks about where you ‘add value’ from.

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A fella sent me a calendy link the other day. You go into it and pick a time that they are free and the meeting is automatically set then and there’s a call link through it as well. I’d never seen it before. No more back and forth. Game changer.

I think it’l be blended where possible - as it was pre pandemic I was ‘hot desking’ anyway.

Covid has accelerated it - theres positives and negatives to it.

The ideal probably would be two days in the office per week - have your 5 a side football straight after etc