With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Go way you gowl.

Who wants to be in an office having to be on your best behaviour listening to cunts all around you.


Should we be careful what we wish for though. JG’s non union Mexican equivalent won’t be needing my salary and if you can WFH you can be anywhere really.
I’m seriously contemplating an apartment in Spain for a month when restrictions lift. WFH for two weeks and then take two weeks off

Like @Julio_Geordio I have zero interest in making meaningless small talk with most my colleagues, being home is a breath of fresh air in that regard.

The clearness of the mind that you get from being in an office environment is more than an illusion though… Alot of distractions at home. The hybrid mix is the ideal.


I loved the buzz in the mornings.

You’d pass X on the street or bump into Y in the shop. Lunch would be a bit of craic.

You’d go home in the evenings and there’d be a few stories to tell.

I think most will gradually move back into the office as the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) rears its head.

You mug.


The only issue I have with WFH is its hard to find an end point to the day. Sometimes I’d be checking my email well after the day is done and replying.
On the flip side I’ve spent half of my working day lying on the couch watching cash in the attic


When you leave the job you’ll be forgotten about forever after a month.


Why not move to Spain full time and spend half it by the pool

Fair enough if your happy to spend the rest of your working life fooling on Zoom.

Get up, get dressed, get out would be my motto.

The taxman won’t let him.

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They are getting more out of me as well now. I fucking despise it though tbh. I had great working relationships across the company that are dying away as people move jobs or leave the company… Not possible to recreate over the phone… The first fella that offers me something comparable financially will get hand and all bitten off because I will never again be as stretched in my career

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I’m not flying the nana’s to Spain to babysit for a night for the rest of my life. Would make night outs very expensive :joy:
I love ireland in general, I’m just thinking there’s an opportunity here while we are both WFH that might never present itself again

I watched a youtube video on Friday on the couch of hidden areas in Nintendo 64s Zelda the Ocarina of time.

Brought back a few good memories from 20 years ago.

Probably wouldnt be able to do that in the office.

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The lines are getting blurred alright.

That said… A lad could shake a few tonne of manure on an extended lunch and then tip away at email in the evening… Swings and roundabouts.

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Tax issue with that if you let them know.

We’d a few people who had to come back or they were sacked.

For sure I have heard the stories of lads gone to Portugal for a few months to wfh why the fuck not

I’ve the same set up a good while now but I’m in the WFH game a long time. If I have actual work to be doing I make sure to block out my calendar too to try and fend of cunts interrupting me with impromptu meetings to shoot the breeze about stuff they can’t do.

So when I says to some lad “It’ll be next Thursday at the earliest before I get to that”, it’ll genuinely be next Thursday, 2-4pm. That’s your window, pal. It’s great to be organised.

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I got a Super Nintendo thingy two chirstmases back with 20 games built in. Only €80. Some nostalgia for about a month before I got sick of it. @cluaindiuic says you can add more games by cracking it, but I never got around to it. I must get the sega version. A game of golden axe or streets of rage would be class

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Really, what’s the tax implications? And why would they be in danger of sacking?