With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Would be unreal - streets of rage, what a game :grin:

If I was young and I was in my day. I’d have been gone months ago. It’s a no brainer

Jesus that sounds like a dream to me… I work live… Nothing will wait for a week. Its carnage but in a way it works because no problem hangs around

I use Cortana meeting scheduler now, it’s unreal. I’ve blocked out hours where it won’t book a meeting (not before 10, between 1 - 2 or after 4:30 ). As soon as someone suggests a meeting I cc Cortana, she will negotiate the calendars and set it up at a time that suits me.

With regards to being better off with wfh I don’t think we are. I’m saving on diesel, but outside of that I’m using more oil, electricity bills are higher and I’m having to drink my own coffee.


I could be wrong but if you’re abroad for a prolonged length of time there is personal income tax implications.

Depends on your role also as in some people are contractually binded to be in Ireland etc

We’d two people that had to come back asap after Christmas anyway.

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You are only allowed be non resident for so long. The opposite of the JP rule. Then it gets messy for the company tax wise. Google told all their non Irish employees working in Dublin they had to come back. I’m not entirely sure why a company that size had an issue with it to be honest. Maybe it’s to do with corporation tax

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There’ll always be emergencies alright, but when everyone is labelling their mails with “Urgent” or “Priority” you just tell them to take a ticket.

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We got a few mails this week from HQ about not booking meetings outside normal office hours and to not put pressure on staff not meeting deliverables. I don’t people are taking the piss, it’s just they’re not saying no in current environment and workload increasing without manager being truly aware. I usually zone out with family 4-7 but don’t mind doing a few hours into the evening if it boxes off a few things. It’ll be 3/2 split when we eventually return. This year was first time I brought my young lad to school and did it every day and it was great to do as he chatted away. Wouldn’t like to give that back.


The whole 9-5 grind seems a bit stupid now when you look back. The flexibility is great for life balance. Getting a run or a nap in at lunchtime is a game changer.


I do miss talking to other adults in person apart from the wife. And the few handy pints of a Friday


It does, but at least then there was a difference when it was the weekend.

Now its very much of a muchness.

You may already have one, but a work phone separate to your private phone is key here. I’d say the only time the work phone gets looked at in the evenings is when the only threads being bumped on here are Soccer Football and/or US Politics related and I’ll whip out Outlook on the work phone out of sheer boredom. :grin:


If a lad does crack because of the hours worked and it is shown that he was answering or sending mails regularly til late at night then the company is on the hook …there’s a piece in legalisation that puts onus on employer to keep record of what hours employees are working …I’d imagine once there’s a local arrangement where he downs tools for a period during the day then it’s ok.

When life returns though there’s no reason that can’t come back without an office.
I miss when someone (usually me) would just say pint? on a Thursday and next thing you are 10 pints in at ten o clock. But I haven’t had that in my last two jobs anyway so it’s not a loss at the minute

Cisco Jabber connected to your laptop - shuts off in sync with your laptop is a must mate.

This is gas, you can really tell who the extroverts and the introverts are in this discussion.
The WFH crew are happy to never have to make small talk with cunts again. The other fuckers have to talk to every cunt they meet on the street and in a shop, never mind boring the holes off of the unfortunate cunts they work with.


At least the day finished at 5pm though. You knew where you stood.

There’s an expectation there now to stay late because, “shur what else would you be at”.

I hate people, I’ve surrounded myself with people I can tolerate, outside of that I’d be happy to never have to deal with people again.


Will you be my friend?

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Poor old Conor McGrath from Clare couldn’t go to a deli without all manner of cunts pestering him for smalltalk.