With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Dencentralisation is a great idea, it’s a wonder no one has thought of it before


There will be no rent crisis in Dublin very soon anyway.

The smart lads sold up above in Dublin a few years back.

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Are there still people living above there?

It was a good idea at the time. Just poorly implemented.

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Existing, not living.


Parlon was a visionary.

Don’t mind that clown, unless he can tell me where the market will be in 25 years that is.

I think he has a point about Dublin in particular. The counterpoint though is that if you have to continue to rent you are probably getting gouged anyway and so it might be all the one to wait five years.

Nonsense, Caherciveen was the natural home for the legal aid board


“I hope that the irony will not be lost upon you that I stand here, on my evening of defeat, in a hall – this magnificent sports complex – which I helped to build”

We could do with a statesman like him right about now.

There is very low stock for sale in popular areas of Dublin at the moment. The idea of a mass exodus is highly exaggerated.


Young people will still want to live in Dublin.

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Told you before pal ,you’re mad not to be living in the southeast with the supports you already have down there …You’re a family man now , being near the city centre means nothing …i hope you don’t mind me saying that you don’t seem massively career driven so what’s the point in two of you being on the clock to pay a big mortgage losing time with kids …most importantly there’s also the carrot of the faythe reaching an u12 final and one of the young lads getting all the scores, old timers will be saying he’s a chip off the old block…


Has he come up with new stereotypes yet?

Covid Caroline
Pandemic Pete
Brexit Billy

Galling Gobshite

Dublin will be fine. Where the trouble might come is in the commuter towns where no one really wants to live in the first place

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Kildare will turn into something out of Mad Max.

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Even with all the grants available you’ll need at least 20 grand to bring a D rated house to a high B. You’ll get that back in 7/8 years in energy savings.

It is reasonable to upgrade existing house. My agrguement is more that we shouldn’t ban it outright, not everyone wants to live in a housing estate is that much to ask? Land is a big deal obviously in the country, many people get land from family etc to build and the value of front frontage will drop significantly. An outright ban not only blocks people from living near where they want bit also there is an issue on supply of housing estates in these area due to NIMBYism