With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I didn’t see it but lads are dreaming if they think growing up as a kid in the countryside is anyway comparable to their own time. When I was growing up there were at least 5 or 6 kids in every house and kids would play out on the road because a car would rarely pass, just the occasional Massey 35 to interrupt proceedings. Now it’s 2 kids per house, and the roads are so busy with SUVs and big tractors kids cant cycle on them. Big money being spent on swings, slides and climbing frames for the half acre lawn to try and get them doing some exercise, but no child about to play with them. It’s no wonder there are so many fat young fellas going about the place, their main exercise is walking around the island to get from the xbox to the fridge.


135 mate. Jesus.

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You must be younger than me

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I get your point. The bigger the island the more exercise for the child.


Yeah that makes sense. I suppose no sensible plan will make up for the previous laissez-fare one-off housing approach in volume or ease so it’s going to disappoint a lot of those who want their bungalow on half an acre

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Companies might put a cap on it themselves but that is their own decision…

Tax free is about 10k per year of service

I was always a 265 man meself

35% national retrofit scheme mate.

WFH legislation is coming in end of this year I think …

Tough decision. I moved from Dublin 5 years ago and am commutable distance from Cork now. Similar set up and key factor was no family support and one kid and another on the way.

Pros-- lot more bang for buck in housing, babysitters on tap, no hassle with schools admission, happier thay kids not growing up in Dublin

Cons-- I feel a lot more tied to my job than I would if I was in Dublin with far less options if I wanted to change jobs (nothing would please me more at the moment), miss being able to walk to work and have a pint on the way home, miss bieng able to go to a match at the drop of a hat. Less choice of resteraunts… All bar the job are probably moot points with young kids anyway


Could you end up paying massive CGT of you didn’t buy within the year? Maybe you’d be paying it anyway.

No cgt on a domestic dwelling


As long as it was your principal primary residence.

If for example, @Bandage rented a house in Wexford for a year while renting out his home in Dublin for a year then if he sold his house in Dublin he’d be subject to CGT as he wasn’t living in the house he’s selling so it wasn’t his principal primary residence.

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Yeah, on your principal private residence at least…

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I live in one of those one off houses and have plenty interaction with my neighbours. A lot more than I did when I lived in the city for a few years, and the neighbours wouldn’t even look at ya.

I would have happily stayed in Dublin forever if it was a realistic prospect of getting a nice house in the city that was in some way affordable.
The idea of moving outside of the city and commuting didn’t appeal to me at all. For me all of the good things about Dublin the restaurants, pubs, nightlife, concerts, matches etc are only doable if you actually live in the city centre or are at least within a short hop.
Living in Maynooth or whatever and having to commute would mean you would only have the downsides of Dublin i.e. a cunt of a commute and then not being able to go for a pint etc after work because you’ve the car or you’ve to head away early to make the train.
I find the lads that hate Dublin are lads that aren’t actually living in it.
I’m in a similar position to you now where pints after work would be out the window now anyway but its the one thing I really miss. Thursday and Friday night pints straight after work and a huge choice of great pubs of all sorts. Bliss.
That and having an actual choice of restaurants, there are plenty of restaurants in limerick and a handful of very good ones but, but they are all similar cuisine. No such thing as a Korean or anything exotic.
I can work from anywhere now, but I don’t think I could go back to rural living just yet even though I was rared in the country. Maybe as I get older things will change. But I like living in the city.


I was having a good day until @TreatyStones mentioned the Wyeth payouts. May they be taxed to the end of the earth and back again.

With clever advice you can pay fuck all tax. Bury it in your pension

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I work with a lad from maynooth…I think it’s 45 minutes on a train that runs to 11 o clock …I think we are sometimes a bit deluded on what a commute really is compared to some of the bigger countries in Europe …they’d laugh at you for calling circa 20 km a commute …

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With 300k??