With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Yup depending on the limits for depositing into your pension. You get €10k tax free anyway plus I think the 2weeks wages per year statutory tax free too. You could end up only liable to pay the tax on 30 or 40k if your clever about it

Fair play to them and good luck to them.

The stars are aligning for you or else Leo Varadker posts here …he’s only gone and called for a public consultation on WFH legislation today … you need to Wade in and make submissions under several different aliases …

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Jaysus I’m even familiar with a 35 (and a 20 for that matter).

Had a meeting of our WFH steering committee yesterday. The top bods are pushing back on allowing too much flexibility to ensure fairness and equality in case manager x is flexible with their staff and manager y isn’t. Basically the presenteeism-obsessed middle manager types will hold it back for everyone.

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Company policy takes it out of the local managers hands …

I wonder if it will happen in stages. I see PwC in the UK announced yesterday that they’re moving to 2/3 or 3/2 but people would have flexible hours within that.

I think there’s a certain element of what @Biff_Egan alludes to. Some senior(ish) people seemingly don’t trust the junior staff to work 100% from home. It’s almost like they want to keep an eye on them.

There’s probably some misguided fools who just want to retain that physical connection, as they think it’s good for morale/development etc. (It’d he better for morale if you didn’t have to drive from Wexford to Dublin at 6.30am though).

There’s possibly also an element of lads just wanting to get out of the house and back into the old routine of lazy lunches and post work pints.

But everything has ticked along okay for those office type jobs in the 2020-21 wfh era so it’s a bit irksome to see some resistance to rolling it out permanently.

That’s why I think it might be phased in. I think companies with big employee numbers that have rent reviews/breaks on large office buildings might be more focused on it. It needs a few more big and established companies to do it, like Liberty Insurance have already, to maybe influence the rest of the market.

I submitted a proposal for a minimum 1/5 or 2/10 office attendance ratio to give the air I’m a reasonable man not eyeing up bungalows with kitchen islands in rooral Ireland. Some other departments went 0/5 or 5/0 and the compromise is likely to be a 2/3 or 3/2 that isn’t rigidly enforced.


There’s defo a power element to it I think- I’m the boss and I want people to physically see I’m the boss …furthermore visibility is a lot of idiots only route to promotion too,so they’ll be mad to go back … Varadker has made a lot of noise about legislation on WFH so let’s see what he does for a finish …i think before the pandemic gov was spending money on creating regional hubs so people didn’t have to travel …be interesting where that has gone now …


I’d say the vast majority of kids and teenagers would rather live in a nice estate surrounded by friends and a short walk from shops clubs etc than out the country in a big whopper of a house video calling friends from the kitchen island and relying on mammy and daddy to give them lifts everywhere. Move out the country when the kids are reared then.


There’s also a demographic aspect. Most of the key decision makers in a big organization are wealthy property owners who like to come in and strut like peacocks, attendant pointless networking events and bang their secretaries. There’s also a younger cohort who like the social aspect and have a need to learn by osmosis. It’s the squeezed middle 40 year old 27 BMI excel tappers who get marginalized.


It’s all changed in the last 30 years, kids having phones now means they are safer in towns than they were back in the day too. The problem is the standard of design with estates in Ireland, it’s still absolutely abysmal.

Thinly veiled I live in a 3 bed semi with no island and I’m happy enough.

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Our place is essentially running a plebiscite at the moment on whether they should even bother with an office anymore. I expect a resounding victory for “A mixture of WFO and WFH”.

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Jaysus, I don’t know how you could rear kids in the country, I’d say the Xbox, phone and television are doing all the heavy lifting,

Unless you’ve one of those young fellas mad into the farming who end up on the toy show or going viral on whattsapp.
My missus is from a very rural area, she loves it but always wanted more company asa child, she’d never think about moving back there until the kids are reared, even then not a hope.


Ticked along okay maybe… But law of diminishing returns in my place anyway as I think it’s becoming less and less effective being OOO full time

Everything needs a diary invite now… No sorting something out with 5 mins at the water cooler


Same in my place. Real strain all round now. Virtually everyone I’ve spoken to is looking forward to getting back to the office. There will be more WFH than there was before but I think going more than 3 days WFH won’t take off for the majority.

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I expect a Hybrid TM will apply for most people. 3 days in with early finish Fridays at least in summer Flexibility about days etc

The people terrified of it are HR/middle management type and the excuses being prepared are about fairness and equity and it’s not fair some roles require 5 days a week in office. The other reason will be mentoring/training younger staff

Some things are easier in the office and longer away the harder it is for people to stay connected to their peers but the genie is out of the bottle and nobody will go back to the commutes they had before

It will also become a competitive edge or lack of for hiring staff. Young people want to work in a city but they want flexibility. Companies will have to offer both.

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Yeah 3 max

I work with a group dotted around the country and we are all out to be civil to each other most days now such is the lack of connectivity… I would have met with this group in person at least once a week for a few years… Haven’t set eyes anyone abar the boss in person in 13 months now