With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I’m not far from the home place so not bad. Live in a small development with similar demographic families… about 15 other kids from 14 down to a baby in it… My kids could spend the entire day outside in a common area with the other kids if they were left at it… I could walk to the pub safely enough in 25 mins

Tis grand. In normal circumstances Id go to a heap of matches all year round and can play golf within 15 mins.

My missus would have (still would) preferred a one off house on its own but I don’t fancy the idea at all… Primarily for the disadvantage of the kids not being able to knock around with other kids that easily


No offence but is the house at risk potentially of flooding mate?

I was interested in a place not too far away but it was up a right good hill from Clonlara - Bridgetown, That kind of went against it in the end too though.

Was actually too rural and in Co Clare as well - couldnt do it.

Lads I wouldn’t be hanging yer hats on wfh permanently, not by a long shot. There will be some more flexibility definitely but wfh works ok when everyone is doing it but trying to manage it when some people are in and some aren’t and you don’t know what days, etc will be a nightmare and a lot of employers will be majorly curtailing it pretty quickly. Younger people will want to be in the office and if senior management are looking at the younger staff in with no middle management there because they will be the people who want to work from home more it won’t be long before senior management say fuck this I’m paying you to be in the office so get the fuck in here.


I grew up in a one off bungalow but there was loads around my age in my townland and only 20 mins walk to the village and pitches etc so it was a grand mix. You’d want to be on the edge of a town or village maybe but not in it. quieter areas have lost a lot of appeal.


Jesus, houses are for nothing in Limerick City. A quick look on daft and after the first 10 or 15 they’re only 250k and down.

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Or just prune the middle management.

There’ll be policies and then there’ll be the reality of what gets you promoted/retained

I grew up in a one off on a farm so I was well used to it and recall vividly the frustration of only having my siblings to play with for the whole summer holidays :sob:

Prices are utterly stupid now round dooradoyle. A standard detached was put up for a hopeful 420k and quickly went for 500k to relos from Dublin.
Not a hope of a rental equivalent 35/40k pa to support that

No fear of flooding and no structural issues.

Assume you were looking at ardnataggle? On the left just before the pond before you turn for Bridgetown? Some nice houses up there

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And when you’re getting passed over for promotions and bonuses because nobody knows who you are because you’re never in the office people will think twice.

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My neighbour works in real estate and she says the exiles are coming back in droves along with Dubs looking for a cheaper alternative

They should be able to downsize fairly handily so id say mate,

This was over 12 months ago, some lovely houses up there in fairness, was just a couple of negatives with that one. It had an unreal view of the river shannon in flood, which was class.

Can’t remember the townland name now, but id say thats not far off.

I looked at a gaff in SCR around 2011. I’d mortgage approval and was thinking of buying a place (must have viewed about 25 houses in the end). This place was up around 240k. I eventually decided it wasn’t the time to buy because of other stuff going on in our lives and decided against. The following year, the same house was down to 190k. The last time I checked the same area they were up around 325-350 I think.


Of course she is right.
The buyers in this case were coming from Dublin with strong buying power

Thats ridiclious money, whereabouts in Dooradoyle was that?

What estate was it in? Dooradoyle raheen is a very funny property market. One estate could be mad money and the next very reasonable. I know some of the houses on fr Russell Road would be in rough nick at this stage from being rented for 30 years but an estate next door then could be 600k

I wouldnt leave a dog in some parts of Dooradoyle.

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Off lower church road

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I’m about a year away from being able to move. If I get priced out of fucking Limerick and its environs I’ll throw my hat at it.


It was around 4 years ago they tried to sell. Hopefully if they go again they find a buyer.

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