With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I reckon with the lack of supply at the moment they would be able to sell handily enough now mate.

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Meadowlawn seems to carry a serious premium. They are nice houses to be fair. I’ve been doing a lot of strolling in lockdown and a lot of raheen behind the hospital say has a load of empty property. Its funny how it goes

You could live in this house with ridiculous interior design for the price of a gaff in Dooradoyle.

Con: it’s in Dundalk

Meadowlawn always had a good middle class kind of feel to it in fairness.

350k would be a fair price there at the moment. I wouldnt pay it though.

Meadowlawn is late 70s / early 80s. Needs a large amount of work but the setting is good.
Behind the hospital is not attractive.

All new housing will be on the stretch to Mungret and out to Clarina.

I’d say you’d be lucky to get away with that now. They were 300k 4 years ago

But the houses they are building are slow to sell by all accounts.

People starting out now are fairly fucked with rent and everything else fullstop.

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Clarina/Mungret would suit me grand. Is there developments mooted or are you speculating?

They are building two estates out there at the minute. Mungret gate and sli na Manach. The crowd building sli na manach somehow managed to go bankrupt building in a very desirable area in the middle of a national housing shortage so not sure what that says about them

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The city is 100% creeping out that way, whether Mungret can capitlize on that will remain to be seen.

Demographic wise, @ciarancareyshurlingarmy lads should flying.

Sure they already have 40k of a pick what more do they want.
A proper pub in mungret on the right side of the road would be a right money spinner.

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Priced out of Limerick… Welcome to Kilmallock kid

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How far out is clarina compared to mjngret… Are they both on the Kerry road

Mungret gate houses are a ridiculous price

Fact ya, Russells isnt a pub at all.

Poor enough grub too.

You’d want your head examined to buy in there from what I’ve heard.

Are they sinking like Rhebogue?

I have a Clareman who is well versed in the pub trade working on that.

The housebuild will quickly creep to the village. The new secondary school starts shortly. The new gaa pitch and the dooneen athletics field will be starting soon enough as well. Mungret college is turning into a fantastic local resource. So far so good

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Depends on the side of the estate apparently,

Rhebogue is different in fairness, some lovely houses there and there’s only one estate thats not great.

Not comparable I don’t think mate.

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