With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Best of luck in the next steps. It’ll all be worth it.

PS I’m sure with a new build on yer own land, ye will have massive scope for a big fuck off island or two.

Best of luck with it. Building a house sounds like a massive pile of stress. Hope it goes as smoothly as possible

Handy Insta page for first time buyers. The Q&A section is very useful indeed.


Get a good builder and hand the entire contract over to them. Don’t believ you can project manage it cheaper through direct labour.

You can but its a pain in the hole and you need a shit load of time.

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Correct.If you can afford it get a proper builder.Direct labour is very stressful and time consuming.

On the plans the island is actually its own room.


You can. Majority don’t when all costs incl additional rents/mortgage payments due to delays etc factored in. Iv seen it going horribly wrong few times recently

You can do it really cheap if you don’t pay the subbies. I just wouldn’t live in it afterwards.


Good luck with that. Hard to do with a family but if you held off buiding until the inevitable recession you’d be singing with cash in hand. We’re getting work done at the minute and I’d nearly sell up once it’s done but I wouldn’t be the ballsy type and the Mrs would murder me if I suggested such a thing.

20000 (circa) landlords have left the Irish rental market over last year or two.

Ivana Bacik doesn’t want rental properties to be an investment but rather a home.

I’m not sure she understands the equation.


Sinn Fein in power is absolutely horrifying for people who want to work or make a few quid


It’s fascinating to watch people genuinely believe they have a right to get things without effort, hard work and sacrifice.

We need to take better care of our sick and elderly and tell able bodied people to get out the fuck and work. The number of businesses who can’t get staff is staggering. It’s not just minimum wage places either. The Instagram generation want to get paid to take photos and make videos.


Its the same on the mainland, young people are totally useless

Varadkar saying that freezing rents might affect someone’s ability to pay their mortgage, presumably on the respective rental property.

There’s a value call there, he appears to be coming down on the side of the owner/landlord to maintain their asset (second property, tenth property?) at the expense of the renter.

I don’t think there’s a perfect solution here but I would think that if there’s a judgement call you should come down of the side of the weaker or more vulnerable constituency. (Not if you’re fine Gael obviously as they’re not your constituency)

In any event my understanding is rents are already high compared to mortgages, broadly they shouldn’t need to come up to match mortgage increases.

What about a 80 year old widow who has no children but has a rental property that is her only source of income apart from state pension ?

You also pay tax on rental income

You only get tax relief on 80 per cent of mortgage interest. For a lot of landlords it’s cash flow negative which is why they are running away from the market in their thousands.

Why on earth does she need a rent increase?

To keep up with inflation.

If you want to force private landlords out of the market that’s fine as policy somebody may have but be honest about it.

Of course the alternative will be funds with nomenclatures of various birds.


The main beneficiary of rent increases is the state. For every rent increase over 50% goes to the state, not the property owner.

This is unless the property is owned by a pension fund or similar but we’ve decided we don’t want those either.