With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Can’t you get relief on up to 100% of mortgage interest depending on when it accrued from?

The State probably gets more revenue from private rentals than Local Authority ownership given the average rent in DCC is €70pw and 60% of renters are in arrerars

I think so which would act as a stabiliser against rising interest rates.

We seem to all over the shop in terms of what we’re trying to achieve though. We say we want more supply (to drive down rents) but through policy actions are driving away small private landlords and dissuading large pension funds from taking their place (which would seem to be the best solution to me)

Maybe what people really want is no private landlords, all council ownership and then paying your rent could be an optional thing


You can if rent to Local authority for 3 years I think.

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That’s being a bit disingenuous.

How much does the state fork out to private landlords as it farms out social housing?

At the end of the day, just like rent money is dead money for renters, the state renting off landlords is dead money for the state. With population increasing and the housing market becoming then properties soar with capital appreciation. The state needs to build vast amount of social houses and this time not sell off all of their stock.

Rent increases mean that more and more people will struggle to own their homes and that’s not good when the state don’t have sufficient control over the rental market.

It’s a bit like Mary Lou saying building 1000 apartments to rent out will make the housing problem worse.

That’s not necessarily true. You pay for a utility and you receive it. Plenty of people were happy to be renting in 2008 and 2009 when the crash happened.

It’s like the recent row back on inflation linked rent increases. All parties backed them until there is inflation and now they don’t want them anymore. People want to make a one way bet so that if they win they collect and if they don’t win then somebody else needs to pay.

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You sound like my mother. Interest is dead money too.

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Jesus wept.

Businesses are crying out for staff FFS. There needs to be a societal sea change towards doing your bit to contribute. Something got for nothing is not minded or valued.

How about encouraging these small time landlords sell up and get out. As is approx 50% of their income is taxed. Why not remove capital gains tax (or whatever tax is applicable on the sale of rental property I haven’t a clue) for landlords with 3 or less properties to sell to hime owners, not buy to let. Seems to be the best approach

Because that would fuck renters even more.

Theres issues in the property market, 1 is there is nothing to buy forcing people who want to buy to continue renting driving up rental demand. Let’s say 20000 houses come on the market as I described there. That’s 20k houses for people currently spending dead money on rent rather than paying off an asset with a mortgage. That’s building wealth for the current generation rent and getting unintentional landlords in many cases out of the market and liquidation of their asset.

Now we also need more rental properties to fill the people looking to rent and the likes of Mary lou objecting is going to do fuck all for that.

But let’s take one bite at a time and eliminate the people leo is worried about in the market. There’s a small win win win here for renters landlords and the goverment. We can argue about other options on top of this

There needs to be societal change.


If the types of development proposed are not ideal it is correct to object.

I think it’s gas that we’ve had FG oversee a housing crisis grow and worsen over a decade or so and people going on about SF objections not helping.

So you’ve taken a break from virtue signalling about the climate to let’s see, contribute absolutely nothing here. What a winner.

Societal change
Virtue signalling

We got ourselves a live one


Jump boots
Yacht club
Laughed at by Irish people

We got ourselves a live one

People aspire to be in a yacht club mate

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I’m not your mate you sad cunt.

Irish people don’t give a fuck about that. West Brits like yourself, another story.