With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Some do some don’t mate

The white flag up very early. The WhatsApps not being read I take it.

Nope, your societal change as a solution to the housing crisis is getting a few sniggers mate

From the climate virtue signallers. That is brilliant.

Virtue signalling
Societal change

Yeah you said that already jump boots. Is he logging off? Have you to fend for yourself? Oh lord that explains shiting yourself

You see it everywhere. I posted here a few months ago about the then major of Limerick objecting to a new housing estate next to the one he lives in.

Simply if you ask me what is needed in the next 5 years

The state to build social housing, not on the back of 10/15% of a private development. Take the current housing lists for cork limerick Galway Waterford and build 120% of those numbers in social housing in those city’s.

Build 60/70% of the number in dublin (I’m thinking of the scale needed.)

Target the 5 biggest blackspots in larger towns in ireland too

All these social houses to be at least a B1 rating with links to public transport and built to encourage active travel

Reduce the cost of new builds for private developers by reducing the vat on materials to 0 for 5 years.

Ensure any land sold for development is sold at a rate within a fixed band to the market value in 2018. Cant be sold for more than 10% of that value provided the construction commences within 12 months.

Up staff planning offices and ABP.

Discourage ridiculous objections. Anything that is deemed unfounded should have a fine

Remove the ban on one off planning. Create new guildlines around what is required.

Ensure all new builds are at least B2 rating by regulation.

Get the unintentional landlords out of the market. As I described. If they are in negative equity create a scheme to offset losses against personal tax credits for x number of years. Cant be too many still in negative equity.

Tax the shit out of derelict properties.

I honestly think they object (as do the politicians of most parties) because of local resident political pressure rather than any “ideals”. They find an excuse to hang their objection on.

Also if this really is a time-sensitive crisis then endless delays caused by looking for the perfect solution - knowing those delays further exacerbate the problem - seems at best reckless and at worst deeply cynical


You may be right but my point was it’s ridiculous to point at SF in this housing crisis.

House in Passage West, across from Aldi, three bed semi. Done up well, in great nick but the whole estate is in on top of itself. On Auctioneera for 320k. It went for 380k!


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Thats a steal @Locke

Read the post again, Passage West…

I know the place well pal. :grinning:

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Christ on a bike. Passage west is a kip. Why did the brits put a train out that way is beyond me

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What a cunt.

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Are they supposed to live off take aways? Where can you wash clothes and cups etc. Surely that is against the law? Afaik a rental property has to provide clothes cleaning facilities and a kitchen.

We must protect rent prices, that rental income could be paying his mortgage.

Students should arrange viewings to get the address so they can egg the house.

Different (no rules) if just renting a room from the owner occupier. They can set whatever terms they want.

Probably the same person who would have objected to the student accommodation that is being built at punches Cross. Egging them will only help drive the narrative that students can’t be trusted