With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Fair enough I didn’t know if it fell under any laws

Break their windows so the rotten cunts.

I suppose if people think it’s a bad deal they could always not rent it.

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Thats horrible carry on in fairness.

Some miserable cunt getting someone in to pay their mortgage but won’t allow them into the kitchen or probably the sitting room either. Some poor fucker will be desperate enough to take it as well.

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A prospective renter should ask can he bring a young Mary I beauty in for a shag.

A van pulled up and driver informed me he had a delivery of doors and windows. He could tell I was surprised. He asked where our builders were to help unload. No builders says I, they’re waiting on windows and doors. They’re here now says he, where do u want them. Out back says I. Too heavy came the reply. We’ll leave them up against the skip where they can be easily visible to thieves and easily damaged. Get your boss on the phone says I.

Mrs Hunt heard my raised voice on the phone and came out to mediate. I told their boss to bring his windows and doors back with him and come back when he had enough lads to unload. Mrs Hunt called me aside to calm me down. I told her to let me deal with it. She said I was being an absolute prick to them. The doors and windows are now out back where I wanted them.


@mikehunt taking no prisoners today!

You’ll have those windows in for 20 years and every time you look out them, your blood pressure will boil. Enjoy!


I did the school run there and arrived back to see 30 boxes of laminate at the front door. Mrs Hunt said she asked him a few times to bring it inside but he had no english and showed her the receipt that said that they’d deliver to the door only. She told him we’ve had previous deliveries from them and they always helped to bring them in but no dice. I worked up a bit of a sweat bringing them in. I won’t wash for a week now just in case she forgets.


I had a delivery of wood briquettes from ecofuel.ie. They pride themselves on the last forty feet of their delivery. The driver even stopped to take a photograph of his trolley full of wood briquettes for social media.

No wonder you’re petrified of Covid when the prospect of a bit of manual labour sends you in to that kind of tizzy.

So it’s looking like a 1-1 draw at this stage. A VAR allowed goal for you to take the lead but a concentration lapse via the school run allowed the laminate man a tap-in equaliser.

I’ll bet if Mrs.Hunt said here’s a €50 if you bring it upstairs he’d have done it as quick as a snipe.
No spikka da eeenglis me bollocks.


Your idea of manual labour is reaching 1000 posts in a day.


No my idea of manual labour would be moving those boxes in without throwing a strop. Ain’t no biggy, manual labour don’t scare me, in fact it does you good to be physically active - I guess you wouldn’t know much about that under your bed.

Your idea of physicaly active is reaching 1000 posts in a day.

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You tried that lame quip before.

It doesn’t changed the fact that you’re the guy who baulked at having to carry a few boxes in.

You seem irritable today. Did your boss ask you to stay out of the way again?

I seem irritable? You’re the one who threw a tantrum about having to do some manual labour.


Your reading of the situation is way off as usual. The idiot boss thought I was throwing a tantrum too.