With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Lads ignore the facts. They have a narrative.

It addresses the second part of your post where you suggested it was a win for them

I’ve addressed at length why I think that it may be an attractive market in recent years for institutional landlords evidenced by their increased participation but it isn’t for small private ones evidenced by their increased exit. You really don’t seem to want to engage with that at all other than to keep on repeating your mantra so I’ll leave you at it.

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Yes, tomayto/tomato.

Does contributing to a private pension mean I can’t comment on the Irish housing crisis?

Do you think it’s wrong for pension funds to invest in residential property in Ireland ?

Would you prefer your pension to be in a more ethical asset class?

Ah Jesus you can’t say that I am fucking myself by having a private pension and want a cheap (or not extortionate priced) gaff

If it satisfies their wants it’s a win.

You seem to point blank refuse to acknowledge that other factors inform peoples’ decisions.

Of course not. However I think it’s wrong that large institutional investors have been encouraged to dominate the market to such an extent that they are now buying up whole estates which prevents ordiary citizens from purchasing.

Had an offer accepted there, 100 yards from the GAA pitch. Exciting times!


€395,000 for 57 square metres. On MEATH STREET and a newspaper article about it with a straight face.

I got a great laugh from this line

The following year they got a dog and they realised they needed more space.


I saw that article, a lovely little house but that price is bananas. We’re fucked.

Even in the Celtic Tiger no one managed to sell Meath Street as a destination :joy:

€400k. Even with the prices going way up here, you’d buy a very decent house in a nice area in Limerick for €400k. You’d want your head examined etc

The year before they got a cat and realized they couldn’t swing a cat in it.

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Sold the house to buy a dog, they’ll be pushing it around in a buggy in no time


Meath and Francis St are fire now. Harbo was ahead of the curve in calling Dublin 8 the next big postcode a few years ago



Coat hook ‘system’

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The hipsters must be running out of places to gentrify. We can’t be far off half a million euro flats in Dolphins Barn

Anyone have an opinion on the following? An acquaintance is in the mortgage process. Bank offered her €255k in principle. Underwriter has come back and said because the commission part of her salary has been decreasing, they would assess it differently. Number on offer went to €205.

Bank have moved up a bit to €220k. She didn’t declare it but the bank have been looking for any extra sources of finance. She is about to become a director of a company that will be used as a SPV next year. She will be doing nothing but will get €30k in dividends per year as fees, for 3 years. Do you mention this or could it do more harm than good? Says she’s indemnified.

Declare it. Don’t say director - say director and business consultant to a company for a fixed 3 year period.