With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Have you seen prices of places on the N11 (and they more or less are) opposite and beside the petrol station out that way

I find it absolutely mental .

Wonderful sales pitch. Have you ever considered going into the auctioneering game?

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It is. Buying in any of these big new developments is taking an awful risk and the footprint is tiny so little or no parking or room for even a skip

People buying apartments must be investors.

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Social housing waiting lists are ticking along everywhere as councils have the chequebook out. It’s no country for someone outside of those thresholds.

There’s more than a grain of truth to that.

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We’re in the same boat. Prices gone mental

It’s fucking cruel. Bad timing to be looking to buy a gaff in 2007 basically.

You’d see lads paying 700k for a house and then gutting the house and doing easily 300k of renovations … some would be in jobs slightly above average paying, wife work same too, three or 4 kids … where do they get the money ??

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It’s one of either two things:

They’re earning some packet between them or they’ve got rich parents behind them.

We’re seeing the first generation of reasonable size families in Ireland starting to inherit wealth.


Im surprised you haven’t DMd him to enquire about booking it for a holiday

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Gone sale agreed. The relief!


Get them contracts signed. Because between here and there you’re in a bit of a dangerous nomansland.

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I’ve been sale agreed for nearly 12 months

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Ah jaysus, what’s the hold up?

They’ll hardly get the price of a house out of it though

Edit…too slow

Lad I’m buying off was buying another place and that fell through. Now he cant find a new spot. I’ve it written off in my head but I am still technically sale agreed

The dreaded chain.

I’m assuming contracts are signed but he added a clause for his finding a place?