With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I think something’s got to give though and it’s probably being exacerbated by these cost of living increases too. Can it be fixed by the political system though? How can it be fixed?

Wrong thread, you’re harping on about buying a house in your twenties, take the other stuff to the appropriate thread

I have this tweet saved for a discussion with the FIL on this topic. Hes of the opinion that they had it hard etc. Which at the time was true but it is completely way more impossible these days in relative terms. Its not as simple as stopping buying coffees and gym membership. How many people in those days were in the pub 2 nights a week and smoking enough fans to create smog?


yeah I just dont think its fair to label anyone know who cant afford to buy a place as some who fritter away their money on netflix and gym memberships or blame social media for their woes. Its an easy way just to give them shit. The cost of property has increased massively in the last few years, both construction and purchasing. Way more then the increase proportionally to wages. I’m seeing it more and more where people are looking to build or renovate and just cant with the price increases alone in the last 15 months. Nevermind the change in the last 10 years. It shouldnt be a case that people in their 30s with solid double incomes cant afford a decent place to live.

It also bugs me then these people giving their views in papers or TV about how it needs some sacrifice and that they did it and arent they so great. And then you see that their parents gave them half the money or some such shit that the vast majority of people cant do.


Each generation has their own cross to bear. My own parents like so many others emigrated to London in the early 1970’s with barely two shillings to rub together. Spent nearly 16 years over in England. My father made his own luck and after a few hard years initially, found the streets of London and the north west to be metaphorically paved with gold. He was able to move home to effective comfortable retirement in the mid 1980’s. He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make the living that he did in England, back here in the 1970’s and early 1980’s though.

There’s an element of the Monty Python, Four Yorkshiremen, You were lucky sketch about it all though. Every generation seems to think they’ve had it hard in some ways and deep down don’t really give a shit about the travails of the generations that come after.


It works in every other country in the world mate

Did they convert to Protestantism when they were over there?

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85000 for my family home in 72

we will never return to that im afraid


People live in apartments alright. They live in them here too. Depends what your priority is and what you are used to. Lads happily live in apartments in Manhattan without washing machines.

Housing is an issue across Europe.


Definitely a good bit of money floating about alright. Whether its good salaries (as you said couples in MNC’s, professionals etc), family savings or the Covid effect, its out there for sure.

It’s regularly stated that houses are unaffordable and certainly for a lot of people they are unattainable, particularly with the central bank restrictions, but the reality is that they are being bought at these mad prices all the time somehow. It’s not credit fuelled like 2000-2006 either. It would want to be some recession to seriously reduce house prices imho considering the current supply difficulties, general demand, cash on the sidelines etc.


Good point. If houses were unaffordable there’d be plenty of them on the market. They are unaffordable for some which is a different point.

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we need to build more houses & apartments

People objecting to everything, where are our/their children meant to live

Cllr Oisín O’Connor on Twitter: “A story in 4 screenshots. I’m waiting for the day Supply Guys grow beyond YesInYourBackYardism and actually learn a little about how planning applications are assessed. Also the Good Residents here and the IT framing that the “ghetto” claim influenced the decision to refuse :roll_eyes: https://t.co/teWb3ZZgBg” / Twitter

Was there no Protestants in Ireland in the 60s?

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Another Limerick pogrom ?

85 grand in 72? They must have owned half malahide!


I’m morto for TSG here.

Old money

That lad, a local councillor to me, is an absolute dose and seems to be permanently angry and often way over the top aggressive about it for a public representative. He does the Greens a disservice in my opinion.

He seems to be arguing here that its good that the planning application was turned down?

he irks @thedancingbaby so is doing something right

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you couldve bought all of sorrento terrace for that money back then

Look in amazement on a century of sales (irishtimes.com)

“In 1968, a house on Sorrento Terrace sold for £7,500 and one on Argyll Road, Ballsbridge, sold for £12,650 in 1969”