With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Its a very good tbf accurate. Apartments to rent are grand in the city for mid twenties who are just out of college and starting out in the real world. The problem is these funds buying housing estates where young families need a home. It’s so dysfunctional that the goverment are not blindly making mistakes but facilitating it

It’s a bizarre set up. IGB owns the building with the facilities but the track itself is privately owned.

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I can absolutely confirm its more than 170 per square foot to a builders finish.


I lived in a 2 bed apartment in Queens of for nearly ten years and I loved it.Its grand for young single people if your not being ripped off.I don’t see why people wouldn’t live in them.


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No problem for young single person. Couldn’t imagine trying to raise a young family. Need some sort of outdoor space to have them run around.

They must have done a deal with someone to get a cash injection at some stage? They can hardly complain if that company decide they want pay back.

That’s the thing you should be able to sell on your apartment to someone younger and upgrade yourself to a house as you get older.


There are 9 properties to rent on daft in all of Limerick city at the moment.

1 of them well beyond the reach of most people.

Most of the rest of them are shite and mad money

Thank fuck im out of that shit show. Would hate to be a young couple these days.

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Only 2 Julio Geordios… 2 Julio Geooooordiooooos!

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If you cant love yourself…


Great news for renters.

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Unfortunately not if it’s a small number of super landlords who can er, influence the market rates.
“Tax them til their pips squeak” springs to mind.

The mom and pop landlords being forced out is government policy.

One man’s vampire fund is another man’s pension fund

It’s hard to see where all the new homes will come from and who will build them. People are now clutching at the remote working straw - maybe it will work for some people

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It may do. That’s where the great doomsayers of automation are wrong I think. We are great at inventing jobs. Like health and safety.


A state construction company, as advocated by Rory Hearne. Shovel leaning will be an in demand skill.

Its somebody’s prnsion after all

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Two harwares I know opposite end of the country have said sales this month are half what was normal. Credit control working overtime and worrying.

There maybe trouble ahead….