With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Would you not just buy a house down there? The free site is grand, but it might end up costing more. Depends on if it’s an expensive part of the rainy south east I suppose

Yeah true. I guess its always been in my head to build on it. The site is in the sunny part of Wexford🤣

Cheers will do if we decide to go ahead. Cheers

I reckon you’d be as well buying a house mate. I’m currently going through it.

If you have the site, build. cc @wexico14

If that’s the only reason ye are considering it I hope the marriage is rock solid pal :rofl:

Throwing a massive commute (for her) 4days a week into the mix with (you) needing to chase up builders, architects, solicitors daily while you do your job and commute sounds like a recipe for fucking disaster if you ask me

My Mrs also would love nothing more than to be fluting around deciding on a house design etc but no way would she make the thousands of individual decisions needed to actually get into the house


Coachford, :joy:

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I got Mrs Nwoko an interior designer when we bought our first place. She had the designer fired within a week.

EDIT: I don’t recall if I ever paid the designer. :man_shrugging:


I’m amazed this hasn’t gotten more traction


You’d imagine there is a significant cohort of business people who would love to discredit ABP alright. Tie them up in knots defending this and reviewing other past decisions now

In fairness to the examiner it does run the syorys the public needs to know that are ignored by the dublin centric media. Golf gate for example

@flattythehurdler nice holiday home for you here

That one was up for over €9m previously.

You’d nearly get your 3m back renting it out for the Ryder Cup.

No offense to Adare,but if you over 3 million to spare for a house, why would you buy it there …

I have to say we briefly looked there at one of the cheaper houses. Awful place to live, it looked half derelict. At the side of a main road and a good drive from anywhere. No view and just bleak. I’d far rather live in the inner city.
If that is the massive place on the first corner, it was asking 8.5 million at the height of the tiger.

Is it ‘on site’ residential type, like they have at Mount Juliet, KClub etc?

Yip that place was up for €9m.
I dont think it’s on a main road though, the enterance is well set back in from the main road, within the Manor estate itself.