With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

It is, but it’s near enough the main road. I’d not like to live there anyway. It looked bleak and half deserted, and there’s nothing at all you could walk to of an evening.

It’s sort of on site. You’ve to go through the hotel grounds ,but it’s well off to one side of it.

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Yeah usually well off the beaten track. Have been in a couple through friends, both just rent over the odds during select blocks and consider them investment properties.

I can smell the damp, fags and spilled liquor in elm park already


It offers a unique experience all the same you’ll admit. A nostalgic adventure.

Nostalgia porn is all the rage.

5 double bedrooms, one in a garage with no insulation. Free snails


In the middle of Cabra :joy:

A couple of my team are in the process of being transferred/seconded from India to Dublin. The two boys are looking into accommodation.

Is €1900 a month for a brand new managed/fully furnished one bed apartment in Cherrywood fairly reasonable? Everything provided and all they would have to pay on top is electricity and content insurance if they want it. Plenty of amenities on site too

Sounds like crazy money to me initially until I looked to see what is in the private rent market in the south Dublin. Would surely be better value to these lads rather than giving €1650 to €1800 to a private landlord for a one bed apartment with a C BER rating or lower and a ball of hidden costs to pay.

Great deal. Do it.

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It’s crazy money (I’ve a 3 bed in cherrywood rented out to a family for 1800) but probably a decent deal in this market.

My sister recently sold a small 2 bed apartment in Kildare that’s now up for rent for 3k a month. It’s not worth half that but there ya go

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Greed… But, but, but the market.

The landlord class want the rest of us not to own homes and give our first borns for a roof over our heads. We are told we shoukd be happy for the privilege of having them rent to us.

I’m happy renting below the market value. For a quiet life.


It is mad money - there is little or nothing out there for 1 or 2 beds. Relative to the market I think it is probably the best deal for both though.


You can’t spell CAB without Cabra.

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It is bonkers alright.

I think a large part of the issue is the apartments in Ireland that were built over last 20 years are not suitable to raise kids in. And we stopped building houses because you can fit more apartments on a piece of land.

You’ve people trapped in apartments in Dublin paying more rent than a mortgage on a suitable house would be (house would be further out but no biggie).


Not many around the world are suitable for kids but we don’t have the good weather like other countries where kids can play in the local park until midnight

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Is that the old cement silos?