With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Most landlords were happy to do that until our political class thought it would be wise to put in rent controls which nearly obliged landlords to keep at market rents or they were devaluing their property.

The simpletons lap it up though so that’s all that matters I suppose


A broad statement. Is it based on anything at all?

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The system is designed to force out landlords who are not corporates with multiple holdings. It may be a good thing but I doubt the policy has that much foresight.

When my current tenants leave I’ll sell the place.


Paddy doesn’t want private landlords or institutional landlords but complains when there are a shortage of places to rent :man_shrugging:

Presumably he wants a forever home from the council. Even though there are a high % of arrears on the nominal rents charged by Dublin City council.


Supposedly there is a flood of 3 bed room semi Ds going to come onto the market so could be an opportunity for newly marrieds or first time buyers.
Was talking to a couple of auctioneers lately and there are quite a number of termination of lease agreements being served on tenants as prices had plateaued and are now beginning to fall for these same semi Ds. One off houses are holding their value as there are a cohort of buyers looking to upgrade from current semi D accomodation and also sell. Still a good few cash buyers out there and there is every kind of a seller. Not uncommon given toll of last 2 years to lead to marital circumstances to change and a house to go to market as a result.

@Bandage putting the utility room to good use - a nice earner


@Bandage doesn’t miss a trick

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A smell of running gear drying on radiators still emitting from the room.


Own door entrance, cobble lock drive, south (or is it north?) facing, car park space, versatile room. What more do you want or expect for €325k?


And the walls covered in figures and calculations by the numerical son. Like something out of a beautiful mind or good will hunting.


I see the First Home Scheme launched today

Id rather bot have the state have a stake in my home. Why not build more council houses and add more supply, reducing the demand

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I assume the tax payer will foot the bill for this when it goes tits up

You assume correctly I’d imagine.

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Genuine question. We are close to signing off on having a house built, but the build cost (excluding the site cost, just the build) is very similar to a comparable enough house just down the road, albeit one built in 2003, so I’m not sure what the quality would be like, but it’s B rated, and has a granite island.
Any genuine advice, on what folk would do ?
If buying as cash buyers, would we be better holding off if we are in no rush?

Ireland or England?

Have you gone through planning or is planning subject to design you submit?
Are site areas comparable?, also consider aspect and elevation.