With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Simply not true. I’m living proof of it.

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Na work. Down to the gong. So we pounced. Had it valued independently at a good 15% higher :wink:

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Yeah but you have a job and don’t live at home.

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15 percent higher without knowing it was built on industrial waste :joy:


I’m sure you’ll be fine, and with interest rates low you can withstand a further drop. Are you not on one of the flight paths into Sydney airport there?

Chucks had to disapeer quickly out of Ireland after a property crisis. I wonder will history repeat its self.

A timber hut built on industrial waste on a flight path into Sydney airport in an economy that’s about to collapse. This sounds like a real steal to me.

Not on the flight path no, that was a big thing for us.

How much more of your life will you spend living off handouts from mammy and daddy?

The poor lads fitting the kitchen will almost certainly not be getting paid given chucks record.

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I’ll probably get the kitchen put in for free tbh. Will just buy the materials.

That’s the Tigers home ground. Anthony Mundines playing for them this year

I have many happy memories of the place, great club.
I see the TFK Australian real estate experts are out in force. At least it takes their mind of their negative equity homes for a few minutes.

Australia is fucked mate. Between the upcoming China collapse and climate change it’ll be back to a desert with a few kangaroos hopping around in no time.


I’ll get a few games in alright.

Did some research and my legumes should be fine. I’m the Maroubra end of Matto. Seems the other end towards Port Botany had a few issues.

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Are you a property owner? When did you buy?


No what the fuck would I be doing buying a house now? Property prices are crazy in Dublin right now and were probably looking at another property crisis in the next 2 to 3 years. You would have to be insane to be buying a house now.

Or have nowhere to live. It’s a key driver for some people in whether to buy a house.

Being honest being laboured with a mortgage at 24 seems like an awful idea regardless. I quite like malahide all the same.

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You’ll never get them as cheap as the last crisis. Banks have rules in place now. 20% mortgages. And gambling is a big no no. So once they see all your activities. Fucked man. And by the time you rectify your account. Property be back up again.

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