With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Private developers will build whatever pays

And that’s what right-wing government policy has been designed to do, to funnel as much money into their hands as possible and make housing a wild west for profiteers

That’s what 120% mortgages were all about

All done by your crowd

How any Fine Gaeler or Fianna Failer has the cheek to comment on housing is staggering

It’s like somebody predicting a 5-0 victory for one team and their team losing 5-0, yet claiming they’re better

The EU used Ireland as an example of what not to do. And this is from 2006

Again more bollix.

Developers will build where they can. Of course corruption led to people rezoning land for residential development and what not, but that was not the driving force of sprawl.

The majority of the expansion of Dublin in the early to mid 20th century happened on public transport hubs i.e. the Harcourt Street Line, Old Kingstown railway and trams. That filled in a lot of areas that were already large enough coastal towns.

The State made the decision to follow Myles Wright’s plan of constructing Tallaght, Blanchardstown, Clondalkin and Lucan. This was actually an effort to stop sprawl, but it merely helped drive it in areas that it was not sustainable.


The motor car is one of the great mistakes of the 20th century in terms of urban planning. Countless urban planners got it totally wrong. You can blame the car lobby too, but this was a way of thinking across the board half a century ago.

The development of these towns was also driven by the efforts to conserve the City Centre i.e. to stop knocking Georgian Houses for development. The retention of Georgian Houses is absolutely required and some of the destruction of Dublin’s core was mindless, but there is a cost to it. These properties aren’t particularly dense. They were built 100 years before Paris was rebuilt to a far greatest density that was achievable a century earlier.

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Dublin until last year had major height restrictions. Everyone wanted a garden.

The State largely facilitated this. Through their planning and through their construction of low density “new towns”.

you keep going on about the car lobby. Ireland’s 2040 plan has no plans to reduce car dependency outside of Dublin according to the chair of an bord planala. there are no plans for rail networks outside of Dublin, forcing people to Dublin. Adding to Urban Sprawl. Putting money in the pockets of the same people.

Why are you talking about the future?

We are talking about historically.

because we have a history of repeating the same mistakes over and over again, it looks like we’re in the middle of another cycle of it.

@anon78624367 punch drunk here. A master class from Texas’s finest.

Like you recommending lads in their mid 20s should mortgage up as we face into another economic crisis.

I said people with the means.

Fuck off now the big boys are talking

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Builders talk with money, your builder sounds like an account 10% margins and yield, I doubt this builder exists. The rest I believe tho.

You are a classic inner city moron. Obsessed about house ownership and totally oblivious to the world around you.

Here is another fact.

The decision to sell off the publically owned housing stock in Ireland actually predated Thacherism. Raise some revenue in the short term, with ideals of people getting rid of landlords. We can debate on the rights and wrongs about that - but is certainly did not help property developers, which is what is being claimed here.

The additional inventory (sold often for below market rates) made it less desirable for people to leave their social houses. By the 1980s 1 in 4 homes privately held were former public houses. That didn’t help property developers.


You live in rented accommodation that is either owned by or paid for by a family member. You have never worked a day in your life.

I’m very aware of the World around me. I need to be.

You have fuck all clue about anything as you have never had a responsibility or respect for anything in your life.

You’re a child, younger than your years because you weren’t pushed to grow up.


Ooooffftttt :rofl:

My accomdation isn’t paid for by any family member or owned by a family member. Im incredibly mature for my age. You are so narrow minded it’s frightening.

that’s a common utterance by 14 year old teenagers who are trying to prove they are mature for their age.

Fuck off now child, you’ve been dealt with and don’t be tagging me again


OK guys, please give extreme care to your words as you may regret it in future.


You truly are a legend in your own underpants. You’ve no idea what being successful in life means. You think being mortgaged up in the 20s and trying to be retired by 50 is some sort of sign of success. You live a life of total misery to just try and prove a point to yourself.